Blog Archives

Letters to My Children: Beauty
While our outward beauty will fade, our inward beauty is imperishable.

What Now?: Appearance
Discover how focusing on inner beauty, like Jesus, can transform how you see and treat others, enriching your relationships and spiritual life.

Good-Bye Identity Crisis
Are facing a mix of excitement and uncertainty about their future? Read Psalm 139 to discover your true purpose and identity in Christ.

Who Do You Belong To?
To whom do we truly belong? Are we heirs of God’s family through faith in Christ, or do our deeds align more closely with the enemy’s agenda?

Impacted by Identity
God gives believers an identity that changes everything.

Who do You Say that I am?
Today, the question is posed to you – Who is Jesus? Your answer determines your destiny. Is He your father? Do you have a relationship with Him where you know you are His daughter or son?

Lessons Out of the Dirt
Where or to whom are you looking for stress relief? If not heavenward, it won’t work for long.

Anyone who says they are enough does not know their need for a Savior.

God Myth #1: We are Good
Humanity is messed up by nature, but many make the mistake of thinking we are good enough.

Who I Am – Who I Am Not
If it feels like your very existence is meaningless, turn away from those desperate thoughts and choose life, joy, and peace from the only one who can give it: Jesus.

Mirror, Mirror Make Us Small
In this selfie-taking world of ours, we would do well to put the spotlight on our souls, not our bodies.

Mistaken Identity
Don’t let the evil one cause you to feel defeated when, through Christ, you’re a conqueror.

Stop Playing the Comparison Game
Wishing you’re someone you’re not is dangerous and self-destructive.

In 2020 It’s All About Choices
With deep roots and God’s grace you can believe truth and trust his faithfulness in 2020.

A Parent’s Guide to Biblical Wisdom: Chapter Two
(Missionary to Thailand Brandon Lingle has written a parenting book in Thai, and he has graciously agreed to share it […]

Put Your Clothes On!
I have a love/hate relationship with my morning routine. There are things I absolutely LOVE! There are things I absolutely hate! […]

11 UNHEALTHY Ways to Disciple Gen Z
In some ways, discipling Gen Z (those born anywhere from 1999-2015) is no different from any other generation preceding it. […]

Movie Review: Overcomer
Overcomer is a feel-good, faith-based movie that challenges you to think about your true identity. In the aptly named Christian […]

How to Control Your FOMO Once and for All
FOMO (the “fear of missing out”) is a real thing, and it’s more intense than ever. We’re afraid we’ll miss […]