Blog Archives
Joy is Coming
Jesus knew that the resurrection would come. He knew what it would be like to be reunited with the Father in Heaven. He wasn’t focused on the pain ahead, but the joy that was coming.
Fall to His Feet
Fall to His feet and trust in Him. This is where true faith is built.
Journeying with Jonah: Part 2
God desires our obedience. He wants a heart that loves him so much, it is willing to trust and obey Him…even when it’s hard.
Let Him Finish Our Story
My impatient and anxious heart can get the best of me, how about you? Lord, we know You have great things in store for us. Help us to learn to trust You, Lord!
Turn Your Eyes
When we are afraid, we can turn our eyes to our Savior.
Why 5?
David appeals to the very nature of who God is, not his own competence or luck, thus a teaching moment for witnesses and recorded for us. As your Goliaths appear in life’s challenges, learn from David.
He is in Control
We don’t always understand God’s plan. We don’t like to see our friends or family struggle or suffer, but it’s important to remember, God’s got this. He is in control.
The Blessing in Your Blindspot
Jesus is there, even in our blindspot.
Journeying with Jonah: Part 1
God is such a gentleman, He will let us run, but sooner or later, we will come face-to-face with the consequences of our actions.
Who do You Say that I am?
Today, the question is posed to you – Who is Jesus? Your answer determines your destiny. Is He your father? Do you have a relationship with Him where you know you are His daughter or son?
O Ye of Little Faith
We’ve seen His goodness time and time again. We’ve witnessed what He can do and we know what He’s promised to do, but… we turn the knob on the side of that box, wondering if He’s really going to show up.
How Far Would You Go?
Jesus was the Messiah, the healer, the One whom they had heard about their whole lives, and their faith in those things brought them to the mountain, believing in Him to save them. How far will you go to be saved?
The Difficulty of Thirsting for God
We must resist our tendency to quench our spiritual thirst with the wrong things.
Answer His Call Today
Has the Lord been calling? Today. Answer His call today. Tomorrow may be too late.
Live-Giving Water
Friend, are you thirsty? Are you desperately seeking water that will sustain you? True, life-giving water? The Father is calling and says “come”.
From Darkness to Light
Are you fighting a battle? Maybe you feel like the darkness is closing in and you need more light to continue. Jesus Christ said He is the light of the world. Reach out to Him to in faith that He would give you what you need to continue!
Are We Really Available to the Lost?
You can believe a small seed of faith planted in God’s power produces the impossible if it is planted securely in God’s Word.
Deconstructing Deconstructionism
If you really want to explore the questions you have about your faith, dive right in to God’s Word instead of manmade arguments.
The Show Must Go On
God’s will is done. No matter what we do to mess it up, it will still be accomplished. His counsel shall stand. He purposed it, He will do it.
Refocus and Rediscover
We, too, need daily reminders of what the Lord has done for us, what He desires for us to do, and why we should serve Him.
Know Who Goes Before You
Do you need that reminder today? When the bullies of this world are in your face, demanding to know what army will stand with you, you tell them, the LORD of Hosts!
Move Forward
Are you ready for better days ahead? Do you want to leave the past behind for a better tomorrow? It starts today and it can only be possible with faith in Jesus Christ.
Belief is Not About Feelings
It’s not about what you see, think, or believe, it’s about the deity of God and his Son’s life-changing work on the cross.
A Greater Reward is Waiting
God doesn’t need lip service from us. Promises of what we will do in the future, praises of His glory, and sacrifices to show we are religious are nothing to Him without our obedience.
But Why?
We can do that which God has called us to do with what He has given us in His word.
The Only One
Whatever you are trusting in, whether it’s your wealth, your health or yourself, none of it will lead to Heaven. There is only one, and His name is Jesus.
Faith TALK: Stepping Up to the Fight
So, anytime you are faced with a giant of a problem or any emotion that comes your way, step up to the fight. You never know what God can do in, around, or through you when you are willing to trust Him.
With a significant downward spiral going on in church attendance, maybe we should go back to the basics and hear from a passionate church planter.
Quit Complaining
Let us take our hurts, issues, and protests to the Lord. If you truly love, respect, trust and have faith in Him, doesn’t He deserve that honor?
Listen and Obey
Are you watching and listening for His call? Maybe He’s calling you to move in a way that would glorify Him. Will you respond in obedience? Praying you will.
Abandon All Fear
All of us have experienced fear, but only God provides the way to truly conquer it.
Walking Through Grief-Part One
When you’re hurting and weary of the constant pain of loss, don’t hesitate to use your support network.
Choosing to Abide in Him
Spending quality, uninterrupted time with God is truly the only way to become more like him.
What Can A Child Teach Adults?
When Jesus rebuked his disciples for shooing away the little children, he taught a countercultural lesson.
Deconstructing Your Christianity
Sometimes called Progressive Christianity, a dangerous movement is creeping into our culture.
Are You Dissatisfied With God?
Complaints from God’s people are nothing new, but His perspective on our lives is eternal, not temporal.
Float it Down the River
Instead of taking pride in what we can do, trust God will provide.
4 Critical Reasons For Faith
We’re so used to finding comfort in what we see that we forget to trust in what we cannot see.
Health and Wealth Gospel: Don’t Fall For It
A believer’s kingdom perspective focuses on eternal riches.
A Faith Journey For Me-Part Two
Your personal journey to the manger will be the best decision you ever make.
A Faith Journey for the Wise Men – Part One
The three gifts were brought by men who had heard the story of a Messiah.
Who is Worthy of Your Trust?
With so many deceivers out there in the world, is there anyone you can trust?
Which Way Do You Lean?
If you’re feeling anxious, hurting, or stressed out, check your posture.
Let Belief Defeat the Enemy
When the enemy whispers defeat, God whispers words of life and truth.
The Little Word That Can Change Your Life
It’s not what we deserve, but it’s what he freely gives us because of grace.
3 Steps to Replace Fear With Faith
Fear makes you forget God’s attributes so you’re useless in the fight.
They’re the Real Heroes
Faithfulness requires surrender and obedience to the only One who deserves it.
Here’s What We Believe-Part One
What you believe about Jesus is the most important decision you’ll ever make.
No Small Print, No Exclusions
Let’s not complicate salvation: There are no exceptions to who can receive it.
Jump in and Truly Trust
There aren’t many trustworthy things in the world, but God sent his Son to be one of them.