Blog Archives

What Will They Say About You?
What does our reputation say about God? Don’t we realize that many people will never open a bible and study it for themselves? Our lives will be the only picture of Jesus they see! So, what will they say?

Victory is Ahead
If you’ve already made that decision to go back to the old, the most beautiful thing is that it’s never too late to turn around. It takes one step. And there’s Jesus. Waiting. Ready to forgive. Ready to give you everything He promised if you would just trust and follow Him.

We Can Overcome
Without Jesus, there is no joy. No conquering your fears, only tears. Trust in the Lord today!

Faith TALK: Clean Words
We are focusing on cleaning up, or purifying, the words that come out of our mouths. Our goal is to try to get those words to reflect our faith.

What We Really Deserve
Did you know you can believe God exists and still go to Hell? If you have never trusted that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that He came and died for you, covering your sin debt, if you’ve never done that, you’ll spend eternity in torment!

We Are Not Alone
Whatever you are going through today, God wants you to know that you do not have to do it alone. You don’t have to be the one who picks yourself up by your bootstraps and pushes through. Let God carry you!

Quit Complaining
Let us take our hurts, issues, and protests to the Lord. If you truly love, respect, trust and have faith in Him, doesn’t He deserve that honor?

When We Hear the Trumpets Sound
So, for believers, that trumpet is a sound of rejoicing! But, for those that do not believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, it will be a call for coming judgment and war.

Listen and Obey
Are you watching and listening for His call? Maybe He’s calling you to move in a way that would glorify Him. Will you respond in obedience? Praying you will.

Ask Your Questions
First and foremost, go to the Lord in prayer. Seriously. Pray about everything. Every decision. Every worry. Every question that pops into your mind, take it to the Lord in prayer.

Connect With God
You have the opportunity right now to have direct communication with God. You do not need “Sarah” to connect you. How? Through the beautiful gift of prayer.

Freedom From Our Sins
Jesus took every sin you and I have ever committed and suffered and died for it. He offers you freedom from that sin!

The Light We Needed
Are you searching? Are you looking for answers? Is the darkness overwhelming? Do you need light?

What a Blessing
Dig into the Word of God today! You’ll find conviction and your heart will be exposed. But if you search the scriptures, you will discover truth, love and forgiveness.

Full Surrender and Service
Have you given up your worldly pleasures to follow Christ with your whole heart? What still stands in the way?

Faith TALK: Stepping Up Our Worship
Worshipping God. Thanking God. Surrendering to God. Three actions that activated God to fight for His people. Whatever obstacle you are up against, never underestimate the power of these 3 simple but powerful actions.

Every Person Counts
To God, every person counts. You are not forsaken nor forgotten.

Our Gifts Unto The Lord
Are you giving more to the Lord? Maybe it’s through money, or service in the church, or to a ministry within the church. Those are wonderful gifts unto the Lord.

If, Then, I Will
In this day and age, we don’t want to believe there are consequences for our sins. We want to only believe that God is loving and forgiving. He is, but He is also righteous.

God’s law of rest for the land wasn’t about keeping something from the people, it was about refocusing their attention to what truly matters. Where is our focus?

Faith TALK: After Prayer is Answered
Answered prayers can look very different; either way, God promises to be our strength and our shield.