Blog Archives
The Bible Recap: Days 232-238
That prayer you have been praying…be persistent. In God’s timing, He will move. Until then, walk by faith.
The Bible Recap: Days 225-231
Trusting God’s plan is seldom easy, but when we choose to obey, there is much peace and grace along the way.
Run to Him
He stands with arms wide open, waiting. Will you run to Him today?
Jesus Loves You Unconditionally
This morning, hear His words, see the truth in them, and pray for His overwhelming love to fill your heart.
It Starts Small and Grows
How has the Gospel changed you? What are you doing with it?
A Fruitful Life
The Father is patiently waiting for repentance. But there will come a day when that time will end and judgment will come.
The Bible Recap: Days 218-224
Nothing is wasted in our lives, friends. He uses it all for His glory.
Is Jesus Worth It?
The treasure that awaits is worth far more than the pains of this earth.
Don’t Settle for Mediocre
How can we use what we have to bring glory to the Father?
The Bible Recap: Days 211-217
If God’s Word can speak the world into creation, it can evoke a spiritual revival!
Less of Me
Less of me, more of Him. Sounds like a pretty good recipe to me.
Lessons from the Lake
Deep down we’ve all imagined the water-walking experience. But, sadly, we tend to merely dangle our toes in the shallows.
When sin is discovered and change needs to take place in our lives, it must be led by the Holy Spirit.
What Would You Do?
There will always be an enemy who seeks to destroy your testimony and work for the Lord. Don’t lose focus. Keep working for Him and respond accordingly.
What’s in Your Closet?
Let Him open the door to the darkest parts of your heart that you hide from the rest of the world. Let Him cleanse you from within.
Spiritual Amnesia
The cure for spiritual amnesia is daily doses of turning to Jesus.
Do You See?
Let’s put our focus on Christ and let His light shine within us and around us, guiding us throughout our day.
Cleaning Out the Pot
Unless we are filled with something meaningful and lasting, we will never see true growth or fruit. We must be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Don’t Be Blind to the Truth
The Pharisees were too stuck on the law and themselves to truly see Jesus. Will you?
Chasing Shade
God teaches us and works in and around us in times of ease and in times of difficulty.
Persistent in Prayer
Are you being persistent in your prayer? Time to go before the Lord and knock. He’s available to us always.
What is Your Greatest Weakness?
Where do you turn when the troubles of this life come your way? Do you try to rely on your own strength or do you turn to the Lord?
God is Our Source
Whatever you’re searching for, whatever you need, God knows.
Is He Lord of Your Life?
We can honor God with our lips declaring Him as Holy, Creator, and Savior, but we honor Him more as we surrender and call Him Lord.
Addressing Our Prayers
Today, let’s focus on this one opening line in our prayer and listen as the Holy Spirit brings to our minds all the names of God.
Are We Out of Shape?
Are we out of shape when it comes to prayer? Are we exercising this beautiful form of communication with our Father as we should?
Hot Water Can Cause Shrinkage
To reflect Jesus’ image and to testify of His attributes is to choose to be vulnerable, devoted, and authentic.
Don’t Miss Out on Jesus
Jesus wants you, not all this stuff you can do, but you. Don’t be so busy doing His work that you miss out on the best thing, Him.
Pride is Destructive
Pride sneaks up on you when you least expect it.
The Bible Recap: Days 183-189
Our God chases us down in the storms of life, pursuing us. He never gives up on us. He’ll use every element of nature and every life situation to point back to Him.
Refining by Fire
Be reminded that more life-changing than s’mores, hayrides, and cider is the captivating life of abundance in choosing Christ.
Raise Your Right Hand
Truly our spiritual exoneration only comes from our guilt/sin being covered with his Son’s innocence “doing the time” for us.
Remember the Mission
May we take the time to refocus our thoughts, plans and actions back to Jesus and His mission.
The Bible Recap: Days 169-175
Good things happen when we trust and follow God with our whole hearts!
Ask and Ye Shall Receive
It’s time to make a change. It’s time to dig in and gain understanding.
Do You Hear Him?
Open your Bible. This is where you will find Jesus speaking to you today. Hear His voice.
No Regrets
Be filled today and then pour out all that Jesus has done for you, in you and through you.
Deny Yourself
Are you willing to follow Christ at all cost? Deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Him daily.
Know That You Know
When God tests our faith, or when He tells us to test our faith, it is for the purpose of giving us assurance and revealing the truth.
Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
It doesn’t matter what your friends say, your family’s belief system or what the world says. It only matters what you say about Jesus.
Settling Out of Court
Is there enough evidence to convict you as a Christ-follower? Are you hoping or confident in standing there before The Judge? Is your case sealed by His blood? Be sure.
What Do You Want?
What are you seeking, and are you looking in the right place?
All Eyes On You
All eyes are looking to you, waiting, searching for how to respond.
Hot Mics
Let’s learn and imitate the Master teacher. The only one qualified to throw a stone…didn’t.