Blog Archives
Finding Jesus: Finding a Miracle through Compassion
Compassion is always worth the risk.
Right and Wrong
Want to know the truth? Go to the source. Go to the Word of God.
Living On A Prayer
A simple prayer is a priceless offering to our Heavenly Father.
To Be Fully Known and Fully Loved
Only the love of Christ can perfectly fulfill our longing for love and satisfy our deep desires.
A Transforming God
Allow the God of the Universe to speak over and transform your clay into a masterpiece that you could never have imagined because it didn’t originate with you, but in the mind and heart of your Heavenly Father.
In the Cover of Darkness
In the cover of darkness is where sin reigns. But when the light shines, the darkness flees.
Finding Jesus: Finding Faith to Face the Fire
Taking faith-based risks in life are opportunities to experience God in a big way!
When the Going gets Tough
Will you join me in serving our Lord in the local church? We need to come back together to gain knowledge and wisdom, find encouragement and support, and to worship our King we say we love!
Storms of Life
Jesus is with us in the storms and teaches us through them.
An Ark of Safety for Today
In Christ, God provides an Ark of Safety for all who believe.
A Calm Soul
Contentment comes when we see God’s glory and all He has given us as enough.
The Flesh is Weak
Jesus’ statement rings true: the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
He Paid the Price
I’m grateful my father stepped in to pay that debt so that I could be freed from the sin and punishment.
Under Construction
Be reminded (and encouraged) that Jesus will be glorified in your “becoming” and your resemblance of Him will be your highest calling.
There is hope in Jesus. He is a friend that sticks closer than anyone I’ve ever known.
Let Your Heart Sing to the Lord
Let your heart sing to the Lord this morning in worship and praise! Let His joy flow through you!
Finding Jesus: Finding Faith Through a Testimony
People are always watching and listening for inspiration. Your testimony could be just what they need to hear to draw closer to God.
Do we Recognize our Need for the Savior?
Until we recognize our need for a Savior, we will never understand who He truly is.
Sweet Baby Jesus
We need a deeper knowledge of the baby in the manger.
Oh Christmas Tree
Each Christmas tradition can remind us of the Christmas message.
It’s a Wrap
As we find ourselves wrapped up in the traditions of celebrating, let’s follow Christ’s example of giving peace, forgiveness, compassion, joy, humility, and sacrifice.
What Are Your Motives?
What are your motives? Why have you chosen to follow Jesus, and are you still choosing that path every day?
What do You Give?
As you prepare to give, be reminded that all gifts need to be wrapped in unconditional love, just as our Heavenly Father has modeled for us.
Stark Contrast
Will we deny His truth and decide to do what we think or feel is right? Or will we choose Jesus, His truth, His way, and His love?
Finding Jesus: Finding Strength to Do the Impossible
Fear and doubt can take us out of trusting God and experiencing Him.
The same love that He showed for His betrayer Judas, He shows to you and me.
How To Increase Your Joy
Jesus gives us joy and shows us what true joy looks like.
A Time of Reflection
Advent is a great time to reflect on who God is and what He’s done.
The Shepherds
In the Christmas story and still today, God shares the message of His Son with and through the humble.
Seasons of Love
We can learn a lot about God’s love and care for us from the four seasons.
No Time to Wait and See
But there is no time to wait. It will be too late. Those that delay and deny His offer of salvation will have torment and punishment for eternity.
It’s Our Responsibility
When we stand before our Lord and give an account for what we have done with what we have been given, what will we say?
What Gifts will You be Giving?
Let’s intentionally choose gifts from the Savior’s circular this year for a guarantee of never having to wait in lengthy return lines!
Do You Know Jesus?
Let’s get to the heart of the matter. How many people have you shared with about what God has done for you?
Are You Ready?
We do not know when the Lord will sound the call. We must be ready now. Are you?
Finding Jesus: Finding Faith in the Waiting
In a world where we get answers fast, God wants us to be willing to wait because that’s when our faith develops.
No One Will Know
Our job is to share the gospel and make disciples for God’s glory, but for how long? Until we pass away or He returns, whichever comes first. Are you doing your job?
Fishing Where the Fish Are
Jesus teaches us how to be fishers of men.
Powerful Words
And we have the opportunity to hold God’s word in our hands and allow it to speak life, hope and freedom into our lives every day.
Chain Reaction
He came to seek and save the lost. He brought a warning to those that deny Him of what was to come if they didn’t believe.
What Makes a Wise Man?
The Wise Men didn’t post their attendance to social media, tag themselves in an exclusive photo shoot, or attempt to gain access to Jesus for personal or political gain. Their overflowing hearts of gratitude simply needed His presence.