Blog Archives

The Bible Recap: Days 183-189
Our God chases us down in the storms of life, pursuing us. He never gives up on us. He’ll use every element of nature and every life situation to point back to Him.

Refining by Fire
Be reminded that more life-changing than s’mores, hayrides, and cider is the captivating life of abundance in choosing Christ.

Raise Your Right Hand
Truly our spiritual exoneration only comes from our guilt/sin being covered with his Son’s innocence “doing the time” for us.

Remember the Mission
May we take the time to refocus our thoughts, plans and actions back to Jesus and His mission.

The Bible Recap: Days 169-175
Good things happen when we trust and follow God with our whole hearts!

Ask and Ye Shall Receive
It’s time to make a change. It’s time to dig in and gain understanding.

Do You Hear Him?
Open your Bible. This is where you will find Jesus speaking to you today. Hear His voice.

No Regrets
Be filled today and then pour out all that Jesus has done for you, in you and through you.

Deny Yourself
Are you willing to follow Christ at all cost? Deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Him daily.

Know That You Know
When God tests our faith, or when He tells us to test our faith, it is for the purpose of giving us assurance and revealing the truth.

Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
It doesn’t matter what your friends say, your family’s belief system or what the world says. It only matters what you say about Jesus.

Settling Out of Court
Is there enough evidence to convict you as a Christ-follower? Are you hoping or confident in standing there before The Judge? Is your case sealed by His blood? Be sure.

What Do You Want?
What are you seeking, and are you looking in the right place?

All Eyes On You
All eyes are looking to you, waiting, searching for how to respond.

Hot Mics
Let’s learn and imitate the Master teacher. The only one qualified to throw a stone…didn’t.

What Will You Do With It?
Learning is good, but what will you do with it?

Rise Up and Follow God
Is it a fight to follow God? You bet. But, as we see with Elijah, it’s worth the fight. It’s when God shows up and does the impossible.

The Bible Recap: Days 148-154
Trusting God is surrendering to your heart to Him, relying upon His direction for our lives and path for our lives, and obeying Him

For the Christian, it is vitally important to recognize our shape and allow The Potter to create a masterpiece that only He can visualize in our round lump of clay.

Which Soil Are You?
Today, take the time to assess what soil you are and see what needs to change.

Right With God
I want to be right with God. That’s the only perfect way, and it’s through Jesus Christ.

Headed for Home
Spend time studying your play book (the Bible), seeking instruction (prayer), and exhibiting sportsmanship (service) that is easier to spot than your eye black.

Rise Up and Fight
Let’s take this journey together of becoming courageously confident women who rise up in the strength of our Almighty God, ready to face whatever battle He calls us to face.

Living On Crumbs
We will experience difficulty as we follow the Lord, but He will provide just what we need.

Mercy. Grace. Forgiveness. Love.
I want to be more like Christ. I want to show others the same kindness He has shown me.

Sit, Stay, Obey
God is not looking merely for human improvement, He wants a commitment of surrender; one that will be more than reactions to commands and more like responses His love.

Prayer Matters
God loves it when we worship Him. God loves it when we thank Him. God loves it when we depend upon Him, and Him alone.

The Creator of the Sabbath
God is the creator of all things, which gives Him all authority.

The Bible Recap: Days 127-133
Sometimes, our worst mistake can become our best mistake when we allow God to change us through it.

If you are searching for a friend, let me assure you, there isn’t a greater one than Jesus.

The Bible Recap: Days 120-126
God chooses us to be His people. And, though we can wander away from Him, He still chooses to show us His faithful love.

The Best News Ever!
Share it! Tell somebody! Make His name famous! Not our own, but His!

Make the best choice to gently and prayerfully yield to His placement, His power source, and His sovereignty.

The Bible Recap: Days 113-119
Fixing our eyes upon Jesus can make all the difference, friends. He is bigger than any of our strong emotions, our uncertain circumstances, and our enemies… He can do the impossible in our lives!

Listen closely for fear’s lies this week. Allow the Holy Spirit to replace them with the Spirit-controlled life as your default setting…

The Potter and the Clay
Allow God to teach you – to mold and shape you- and when the fire comes, you’ll know God’s getting ready to use you. Rely on Him and His truth, a solid foundation, to get you through.

The Bible Recap: Days 106-112
David doesn’t turn away from God in these times of silence…if anything, he turns to God more.

Who Are You?
When we put our trust in Him, we have the privilege of being a child of God; we have a Heavenly Father.

Are We Willing?
We must surrender our will for His, allowing Christ to rule over our lives – our thoughts, our actions, our words. Are we willing?

The Bible Recap: Days 99-105
David reminds us all that God is faithful and He will fight for us.

Road Construction Ahead
Is it time to begin road construction in your life? Jesus is worth it. And the better your road is, the more you look and act like Christ, the more people will want to follow you down that road.

Stay Focused
What are you searching for today? All happiness, joy, fulfillment, purpose, anew answers can be found in one – Jesus Christ.

Wisdom Matters
Not only can God help you become wiser in life and in making decisions, but having an undivided heart can help guard you from putting your faith and confidence into other people and things.

The Bible Recap: Days 85-91
When life gets comfortable, we forget. If we’re not intentional about following God, we become unintentional and can get spiritually lazy.

Embracing Provision
Our God, Jehovah Jireh, is delighted to provide for His children.

Dwarfs or Disciples
Are your actions and attitude reflecting those of a disciple of Jesus Christ?