
Jan 01, 2024 18:30pm
Intentionally Still

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” -James 4:8 (NAS)

Happy New Year!

It’s that time of year to make old mistakes in new ways and call them resolutions! Ugh, let’s not! I know, we’ve all made them, but 12 months, 12 weeks, or 12 days later…did we keep them? Doubtful. What if we refrained from buying the desk calendar we won’t use or the treadmill we’ll hang dirty clothes on and instead…wait for it…choose intentionality?

It has been said that intention is the beginning of all transformation. And we all need to be directed to the starter’s blocks, correct? And let’s be clear, words simply prove ideas, while actions prove commitment to implementation.

Emily Carr shares, “Inspiration is intention obeyed.” And an important aspect of making Him known comes through an inspiring, faithful servant lifestyle. Think of it this way, what if the Good Samaritan had only possessed bad intentions, or the lad with the loaves and fished thought it best to keep his sack lunch private? Seriously, how many blessings (for ourselves and others) do we forfeit by not being intentionally available for Christ to use?

Will we choose a new and improved mindset for this New Year? Are you open to His leading in shaping you differently? Intentions aren’t just what we do…but they are also how we do them. Thomas Edison knew a thing or two about intentionality and he advises, “A good intention, with a bad approach, often leads to a poor result.” Our choices matter. How they roll out is paramount. Values don’t stay tucked in like your favorite shirt; they show, and willpower is about as helpful as an empty gas can in the desert.

The idols of comfort and convenience will sabotage at every turn if we aren’t intentional with our spiritual alignment! Jesus‘ life unfolded laser-focused with intentionality on loving God and serving others. I think that out-kicks the coverage copied from a January Hallmark card concerning resolutions. Don’t let this New Year begin without a renewed commitment to Him…His way, His time, His glory. Reminder: everything accomplished minus God is still nothing. Be intentionally His!

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