Blog Archives
There’s Rest in the Storm
Our Heavenly Father is still in control. We can rest in Him.
Say Yes
I may not be able to change the heart of this world, but I can say yes to God’s call on my life to obey Him.
The One who created you may need to remind you of your purposes on life’s journey.
It will Happen in it’s Own Time
It takes nurturing with the bread of life and the living water and time spent with the Son for the person to finally bloom and grow and then be ready for harvest.
Don’t Be Left in the Dark
His word does not have to be confusing or hidden in the dark. His truth is ready to be revealed to you… are you ready?
Finding Jesus: Finding Forgiveness with Jesus
If Jesus can forgive the most hurtful of betrayals, we can too with prayer and a willing heart.
Keep Planting the Seeds
Don’t let the enemy distract you from your purpose. Keep teaching. Keep leading. Keep discipling. Keep preaching. Keep encouraging.
How To Be Perfect
As a believer, you wear the perfection of Christ.
The Attributes of God (Part 8) – Truth
Truth is found in God alone.
The Light of the World
As a follower of Christ, we can rest in the finished work of Jesus. He is the light of the world and in Him can be no darkness.
Will you Answer the Call?
Only Jesus can save you. But will you answer that call?
No Rejection Guaranteed
Spend time with the one that sought you (no rejection, guaranteed), that loves you like crazy, and validates that you are worth pursuing every day.
How Are You Using Your Influence?
How are you using your influence in this world? Is it to draw others to you, or to Him?
We Have the Opportunity
Today, Jesus offers us the same opportunity. He knows what’s on our minds and in our hearts. The door is wide open, we must only confess our sins and repent.
Finding Jesus: When We Wander
The more we know God, our Good Shepherd, the more we can hear His voice. The more we hear our Shepherd’s voice, the closer we stay to Him.
How Will You Observe the Sabbath?
How will you use the sabbath to glorify God above all things, even yourself?
Nothing Except…
The size or amount of our resources matters little when placed into God’s hands.
Don’t Miss the Point
Today, may you draw near to the Lord and be filled with His joy and love that only He can give.
Tending to the Emergencies
Jesus was tending to the emergencies. He is the great physician and He came to heal those that were in need, those that were broken.
Maybe we find in life what we want to find, what we seek, and what consumes our time and money. What we choose to “be-come” is a path of decisions made daily that projects our journey.
That One Thing
One thing happened. One thing was added to this man and he was changed completely.
He Can Heal You
Time and time again, He has proven His power and love for us. And we, too, can be healed if we put our trust in Him and ask.
Finding Jesus: When Bad Things Happen
The blind man in our story had to do something to accept the healing: go and wash in the pool of Siloam. He trusted Jesus and obeyed Him…and this led to his healing.
Start Your Day with Jesus
Have we taken time out to spend with the Lord? Not just for us to tell Him what we need, but for Him to speak to us.
The First Step
If God is calling you to take a step of obedience, know that He is with you the entire time!
Help for the Wicked
Daniel shows us how to share the hope of God with an ungodly land.
It’s Really Happening
No matter what you’ve done in your life, God is bigger than that. He can forgive anything and is ready and willing!
Your Action Story
If someone were to write a book about you, claiming that you were a Christian, would they have enough proof?
A Heart Like His
Note to self…having a heart like His involves our words/speech.
Don’t Just Tell Me, Show Me
Jesus said to go and teach. Are you following the Great Commission?
Don’t Believe the Lies
Don’t believe the lies. Open your bible and read for yourself who Jesus was and what He did for you on the cross.
Finding Jesus: Finding God’s Faithfulness in the Unexpected
Though we may have a plan for our lives, God does, too. God uses the unexpected to direct us onto His path for our lives.
All Hail!
What if you met Jesus today? Would He welcome you with open arms because He knew you while you were here on this earth? Would He greet you joyfully because you were dear friends?
Sustainable Change
If we desire change, God must be the motivation and strength to do so.
Learning to Trust in the Chaos
It’s not always easy to trust God when things fall apart, but He is faithful.
Come and See, Go and Tell
Go and tell. Now that you know, now that you believe, now that you have seen it with your own eyes the work of Jesus, go and tell others about what He has done!
The Veil was Torn
There is no mistaking who Jesus Christ is. The evidence is there. Just look at my life if you need proof. I’m only one example of many of a life changed by the blood of Jesus.
A Forgetful People
Memories are timeless treasures, reminders of love shared, and celebrations of God’s faithfulness.
He Did It For You
Now, you know exactly what Jesus did for you. It’s time to decide.
Finding Jesus: Finding Trust When Life Doesn’t Make Sense
Mary lived out her trust and changed history. May we be followers of Christ who do the same.
Don’t Take the Easy Way Out
We may be tempted to take the easy way out when we feel pain, hurt, uneasiness, discomfort or trouble. But because of what Jesus endured on the cross, we can trust in Him and His sacrifice and stand strong.
Standing on the Promises
If the Lord is your portion, you have everything you need.
When There Is No Light
When we find ourselves in a dark place, we must remember what we learned in the light.
He Did What We Couldn’t
He’s here. He’s offering to take that burden of sin from you. Don’t hold onto it. Let it go. Let Jesus help you in your greatest need. Let Him do for you what you can’t.
Mistaken Identity
One day, there will be no choice. It will be too late. All will bow, but some will be in fear, realizing the King that is before them is the very one they have mocked, belittled and cursed their whole lives.
Who Are You Following?
Discouragement is a taker. It robs you of confidence, peace, strength, and next right steps and can trade you uncertainty.
Scourged for Our Sins
Jesus did this for us. He took our punishment upon Himself so that we could be freed from our sin.
Love Itself
Would you even recognize true love if it was staring you in the face?