Blog Archives

Jesus is Your Advocate
Imagine being on trial with overwhelming evidence against you—until your advocate steps in. Jesus is our defender and redeemer!

The Struggle Within
We all struggle with doing what’s right, even as Christians. But our hope isn’t in ourselves—it’s in Jesus. Learn more at

The law not only brings awareness of our sin but also shows us how much we need Jesus and His offer of salvation. Have you accepted His offer?

Freedom from Sin
Why do we feel drawn to the very thing we’re told to avoid? It’s more than just curiosity—it’s a nature we’ve battled since the very beginning.

No More Excuses
When it comes to sin, how often do we try to pass the blame? The truth is, no one forces us into wrongdoing—we have the power to choose righteousness through Christ.

The Image of Our Father
Discover the beauty of redemption and how Christ transforms us into the image of our Heavenly Father.

From Rotten to Restored
Every one of us carries imperfections beneath the surface, just like the ruined apples from this year’s harvest. But there’s hope—through Christ, even the most broken among us can be restored and made new.

Stop Making Excuses
What happens when we try to justify our sins before a holy and just God?

Do you ever feel like your secrets are safe, tucked away where no one can find them? What if everything you thought was hidden was brought to light—and judged?

From Guilt to Grace
Even in the weight of our mistakes, God’s forgiveness offers hope and the promise of redemption.

The Gift of a Featherlight Heart
Guilt can weigh on our hearts like a ton of bricks, robbing us of peace and joy. But through confession and the redemptive power of Jesus, we can experience the freedom and lightness that only His forgiveness can bring.

What Now?: Gossip
By resisting the temptation to gossip and seeking the Spirit, we can show God’s love and choose words that bring life instead of destruction.

Exposing the Darkness
Sin, like a forgotten, festering mess in the dark, doesn’t disappear—it grows, spreading into every corner of our lives. Discover how the freedom and joy of His mercy can replace the heavy burden of guilt, giving you the restoration your heart craves.

When Opinions Distract
When we elevate personal stances over the gospel, we risk losing sight of what truly matters.

Beware the Wolves
Like a wolf stalking weakened prey, waiting to strike—Paul’s warning reminds us all to stay alert, united, and close to the Good Shepherd for protection.

What Are Our Idols?
What idols would Paul be pointing out in our lives that need tearing down?

Agree to Disagree
When handled with love and grace, disagreements don’t have to stop the work God has called us to do.

Our Sins, His Good
If you have made mistakes, if your burden of sin is too great for you to bear, look to Christ, repent, and find forgiveness there.

The Judgment of Pride
Don’t let the sin of pride devour you, too. Today is the day of salvation. Turn to the Lord Jesus and recognize who He is! Praise Him!

Letters to My Children: Submission to Authority
It is in our fallen nature to rebel against authority, but submission to authority is part of God’s good plan and brings blessing.

The Gracious One
God already knew the choices you would make, the mistakes, all of it, and He still chose to die for you. He is gracious to forgive.

What Now?: Bad Language
Learn how applying the T.H.I.N.K. method can change the way you communicate, bringing positivity and grace into every conversation.

Green Pastures, Not Lawns
Discover the transformative power of distinguishing desire from covetousness and learn how to find true contentment in God’s provision.

Guarding the Bride
What do we do with this sin in our lives? Pray and confess your sins to the Lord and make the decision to turn from it. That is repentance.

What Now?: Anger
Click to learn how you can break free from the cycle of destructive anger and find peace through God’s guidance.

Empty or Full?
Is your heart empty or full? Learn how examining our hearts and filling them with the Holy Spirit can transform our lives.

The World
Ever wonder what it means to be truly “worldly”? Click to see how Jesus’s profound love for humanity triumphs over worldly desires.

What Now?: Accusations
Have you ever been accused of something? When you find yourself being accused, be like Jesus. Leave it with God and let Him take care of you.

Changing the Game
Remember the thrill of hide and seek? Discover how this game mirrors our adult lives and learn why true freedom lies in being found by God.

You may be facing a tough situation, a temptation, a trial. Seek the Lord in the midst. Let Him lead you. Pray for wisdom and guidance.

Unmasking the Root
Just like the Pharisees, who were faced with the truth, we must make a decision about what we will believe about Jesus.

At His Feet
If you feel the conviction of the Lord in your life about your sin, there is no place to find forgiveness except at His feet.

Delve into the challenges of maintaining faith amid life’s chaos and discover the vital importance of recovery in the Christian walk.

For You
I believe in Jesus. I know He loves me. I know He forgives me. And I know He has the power to save you, too.

Sin is Crouching at Your Door
God doesn’t just want outward obedience; He wants our hearts.

I am a nobody. Nothing special. Just an ordinary person. Guilty of crimes. And Jesus gave His life for me.

It’s Not Over
Do you know Him? He offers you eternal life, victory over death and sin, and all you have to do is accept.

Turn to Him
Turn to Him in your despair, anger, hurt, and frustration. Allow Him to work all things out for you.

Real or Fake?
The Bible tells us to examine ourselves. Ask the tough questions about your salvation. Test yourself to see if you are truly saved.

We Have a Savior
To this day, the enemy prowls around seeking to destroy you. But you and I have an advocate. We have a Savior.

He Can See Right Through Us
Surrender to the Lord today. No more pretending. No more playing. Just full surrender.

Restore. Refresh. Renew.
It’s time to let Jesus do what needs to be done in our lives. Restore. Refresh. Renew.

Are You In The Fire?
Are you struggling against your sin or are you complacently accepting it?

Banana Peels
It’s time to check our walk. Are we throwing out banana peels? Are there things in our life that are causing our brother to stumble?

Ulterior Motives
And the beautiful thing is that He still loves us. He sees the dark truth within us and yet, He chooses to love and forgive us.

The Compassion of Jesus
Sometimes, the work of the Lord doesn’t fit into the neat little box we’ve created.

When sin is discovered and change needs to take place in our lives, it must be led by the Holy Spirit.

What is Your Greatest Weakness?
Where do you turn when the troubles of this life come your way? Do you try to rely on your own strength or do you turn to the Lord?

Pride is Destructive
Pride sneaks up on you when you least expect it.

Don’t Reject Jesus
We have the opportunity to cry out to our God and confess our sins, seeking His help to repent of those sins and follow Him.