Blog Archives
Time to Celebrate
If God has saved you, you have been brought into His marvelous light, as the scripture says. You have been changed! And it’s time to celebrate!
Real or Fake?
The Bible tells us to examine ourselves. Ask the tough questions about your salvation. Test yourself to see if you are truly saved.
We Have a Savior
To this day, the enemy prowls around seeking to destroy you. But you and I have an advocate. We have a Savior.
He Can See Right Through Us
Surrender to the Lord today. No more pretending. No more playing. Just full surrender.
Plenty of Room
Eternal death awaits unless you accept Christ as your Savior and follow Him.
Answer the Call
He has sought you ought. You are worth saving. He loves you! Will you accept His offer today? Answer His call and live!
The moment you decide to follow Jesus, a change takes place. No more wilting, yellow leaves. Blooms begin to appear and the sweet smelling fragrance is a beautiful aroma to the Lord.
Don’t Miss the Point
Are you missing the point? Jesus is calling to you today. He wants to come in and abide with you.
Hungry for More
Do people praise God because they see the difference He has made in our lives?
Draw Closer to God
Wherever you find yourself today, know that there is always an opportunity to draw closer to God. To understand Him more. To see what has happened more clearly and to understand what’s ahead for the future.
Do You Know Who Jesus Is?
Recognizing Jesus as God is the first step toward faith. Without the knowledge of who He truly is, we can’t go further.
The Question is Why?
Jesus is coming soon, friend. Will you be taken to heaven or left behind?
The Man with No Name
Are you spending your life trying to make a name for yourself? Or glorifying the One who truly matters?
Oh, the Father’s Love for Us
God invites you to dine at His table. He has a feast prepared for you, a robe of righteousness to place on you, shoes of peace that will allow you to go and share your story of His goodness.
Jump on the Bandwagon
Are you willing to do whatever it takes to follow Jesus? Will you still be there in the end, or will you be one of those that jumps off the bandwagon?
Everyone Matters. Everyone Counts.
You matter to God. Today, choose to follow Him.
The Invitation
God doesn’t care who you are, what you’ve done, where you’ve been, who you know or what’s in your pocket. He has invited you to accept His invitation through Jesus Christ. Will you?
Run to Him
He stands with arms wide open, waiting. Will you run to Him today?
Fence Sittin’
We are on an earthly mission to serve the purposes of God! Is fear or intimidation silencing us?
A Fruitful Life
The Father is patiently waiting for repentance. But there will come a day when that time will end and judgment will come.
Simply Trust and Obey
This is what salvation is all about. In return for this beautiful gift that we could never have earned, all we can offer to our Lord and Savior is a life fully surrendered to Him.
Less of Me
Less of me, more of Him. Sounds like a pretty good recipe to me.
Where Does Our Worth Come From?
By the world’s standards, you may feel like you have no value. But to God, you are priceless.
Cleaning Out the Pot
Unless we are filled with something meaningful and lasting, we will never see true growth or fruit. We must be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Don’t Be Blind to the Truth
The Pharisees were too stuck on the law and themselves to truly see Jesus. Will you?
Pure in Heart or Good Enough?
A pure heart is transparent with an uncompromising desire to please God in all things.
It Took Me Back
In Christ, you and I have access to the Living God. What a truth!
Let’s stop with the excuses and respond the way Jesus did to the Father, “Not my will but thine”.
Raise Your Right Hand
Truly our spiritual exoneration only comes from our guilt/sin being covered with his Son’s innocence “doing the time” for us.
No Regrets
Be filled today and then pour out all that Jesus has done for you, in you and through you.
We Were Born For This
We were born to glorify God, to share Him with others and teach them to do the same.
Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
It doesn’t matter what your friends say, your family’s belief system or what the world says. It only matters what you say about Jesus.
Settling Out of Court
Is there enough evidence to convict you as a Christ-follower? Are you hoping or confident in standing there before The Judge? Is your case sealed by His blood? Be sure.
The Truth is Here
The truth is there. But it’s our choice what we will do with it.
A Teachable Moment
Jesus has the power to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and shame.
Part of God’s Family
The time is coming for His return and He will call His children home. You will not be left behind if you are a part of God’s family.
Which Soil Are You?
Today, take the time to assess what soil you are and see what needs to change.
Cast My Ballot
His love is for all people. His gift of salvation is for every man, woman and child, no matter their age, background, color, sex, or past. Jesus truly knew no borders. He crossed them all for us so that we could be saved.
You’re His Witness
Tell your story. Tell the story of Jesus. You are His witness.
The Light of the World
Jesus was so much more than the people could imagine. He had come to the earth to bring them out of the darkness and into His marvelous light!
What’s Your Greatest Fear?
My fear of being alone could have stemmed from several things that occurred in my life, but the big truth was – I was lost; I was going to be eternally separated from God when I died.
Sit, Stay, Obey
God is not looking merely for human improvement, He wants a commitment of surrender; one that will be more than reactions to commands and more like responses His love.
Is it Worth it?
So, what’s your response today? What path have you chosen and would you say it’s worth it?