Blog Archives

When Answers to Prayer are Hard
When God’s answer leads to suffering, His will is still at work. Trust, surrender, and know He sustains through every trial.

Say His Name
When words fail, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. Trust Him to guide your prayers and bring peace in every situation. #Faith #Prayer

Bouncing Off the Ceiling
Ever feel like your prayers are just bouncing off the ceiling? Discover how to reconnect with God and find peace in His presence.

Ping-Pong, Pain, and Prayer
Sometimes the most painful lessons are the ones that stick with us the longest—and remind us to pray even harder for the ones we love.

Pray Boldly
Do you really believe when you pray, or are you just going through the motions? Acts reminds us to trust fully in God’s power and pray boldly.

Let’s Talk
Ever felt the peace that comes from talking it out? Explore how the power of prayer and talking to God can provide strength to face anything.

Powerful Prayer
Learn the power of praise, prayer, and unwavering faith to witness God’s miracles in your life.

Now What?
Discover how the disciples dealt with their “now what” moment after Jesus ascended, by uniting in prayer and supplication.

Lessons from Love and Faith
While we may yearn for love and acceptance from others, true fulfillment ultimately lies in surrendering to the unconditional love of God.

Hello, God. Are You There?
With each answered prayer, whether a “yes,” “no,” or “not now,” we must learn to trust God’s timing and providence.

In Jesus’ Name
Understand how aligning your prayers with God’s character transforms the power and purpose of your supplications.

Jesus Had A Prayer Life
Did you know Jesus had a prayer life? Experience the impact of genuine prayer in changing lives and making a difference in the world.

Pray About It
In all things, the Lord has heard my cries and answered my prayers. Some are still waiting for answers, but while I wait, I pray, continuing to bring that to the Lord and trust that He will answer it, in His time.

Keep Seeking and Knocking
Keep going to the Lord. Keep asking, seeking and knocking. You’ll find more than you ever imagined.

Persistent in Prayer
Are you being persistent in your prayer? Time to go before the Lord and knock. He’s available to us always.

What is Your Greatest Weakness?
Where do you turn when the troubles of this life come your way? Do you try to rely on your own strength or do you turn to the Lord?

God is Our Source
Whatever you’re searching for, whatever you need, God knows.

Addressing Our Prayers
Today, let’s focus on this one opening line in our prayer and listen as the Holy Spirit brings to our minds all the names of God.

Are We Out of Shape?
Are we out of shape when it comes to prayer? Are we exercising this beautiful form of communication with our Father as we should?

Prayer Matters
God loves it when we worship Him. God loves it when we thank Him. God loves it when we depend upon Him, and Him alone.

Awake My Soul
To commune with God in the stillness of the morning renews our weak, broken and feeble spirit.

Does God Hear Us When We Pray?
Does God hear our prayers? And if so, will He always respond?

Holy Week: Prayer Matters
Prayer is powerful, especially when we have a willing heart that trusts that God is working good from every detail in our lives.

Hear His Voice
Even today, sometimes, it is better to watch and listen for God’s voice.

St. Patrick: A Man Who Made a Difference
If God did it for Patrick, He can do it for you, too. He has a knack for bringing good from the pain in our lives. All we have to do is love and trust Him to do it.

Secret, Quiet Place
Where is your place? Have you taken time to go there today? There is nothing more important than meeting with the Lord.

Start Your Day with Jesus
Have we taken time out to spend with the Lord? Not just for us to tell Him what we need, but for Him to speak to us.

Living On A Prayer
A simple prayer is a priceless offering to our Heavenly Father.

He Knows Best
God isn’t keeping something good from you by saying no. He promises to deliver something even better.

Journeying with Jonah: Part 3
Jonah’s powerful prayer reflects that he is now ready to do God’s will…even when it still probably doesn’t make sense to him. He gets what we all want in life: a redo.

The Message of Psalms
The Psalms teach us how to pour our hearts out to God.

When we don’t have words
In all circumstances, it is a privilege to pray, but sometimes it is all right to be quiet and wait on the Lord.

Seek the Lord and Pray
But just as Daniel sought the Lord continuously after being taken away to Babylon, we too must seek the Lord and pray for our country.

Found in the Most Unlikely of Places
So here we are, in the midst of one of the craziest, most chaotic scenes we’ve ever experienced. And where is the Christian? We should be found in the most unlikely of places, just like Moses – on our knees, praying.

Ask Your Questions
First and foremost, go to the Lord in prayer. Seriously. Pray about everything. Every decision. Every worry. Every question that pops into your mind, take it to the Lord in prayer.

Connect With God
You have the opportunity right now to have direct communication with God. You do not need “Sarah” to connect you. How? Through the beautiful gift of prayer.

Your Time is Short. Pack It With Prayer.
Last words are windows to the soul, and they reveal true priorities: What will yours be?

Because You Ask Not
God answers prayer based on his eternal perspective, not our earthly ones.

Waiting to Soar Like Eagles
If you’re waiting for a prayer to be answered, be confident that God’s got this.

Are You Missing What God is Saying?
As far as His will goes, God just wants a chance to speak to you, and He’ll do the rest.

Upgrade Your Church Culture
Building a culture in your church that truly glorifies God takes passionate devotion.

Enough is Enough
Prayer should be our first reaction and not our last resort.

Passing the Baton: A Smooth Pastor Transition
A successful transition depends on much prayer, preparation, planning, a process, and it is the work of God.

Sometimes the Lord brings us to our own deserts to remind us of our need for Him.

The Sin of Unbelief is A Serious One
If you have never really taken a step of faith, you may not be truly trusting in God.

Is God Really Present in Your Church?
Leaders, do everything necessary, pay any price, to build a church where God is pleased to dwell.

7 Things to Do While You Wait
We’ve all had to wait. Wait in line for a package, for test results. Waiting isn’t fun. We are impatient […]

Is Church Attendance the Sole Evidence of Your Salvation?
There are many reasons Christians are losing the culture, but these are probably the top four. They are all ouch-worthy, […]