Blog Archives
He is Risen!
While other religions may have moral or ethical systems, only Christianity has a God who was willing to become human, teach us to live, die for us and then overcome death. All other religious leaders are still in the grave. But not Jesus.
The Bible Recap: Days 323-329
Church can’t save. Serving in church can’t save. Tithing can’t save. Only believing Jesus as your Savior can save.
Perfectly Planned and Timed
Whatever you’re going through or waiting for, I promise you, God is at work! He doesn’t waste time. The Lord almighty is in control and time is in His hands. Trust Him.
God’s Big Plan
We have something the Lord wants to use, but will we surrender our grasp on it? Will we offer it to the Lord and accept His offer to be used to accomplish His great plan?
Front Row Seats
Are we still begging to be close to Him, found on our knees in prayer? Or are we now at a distance, watching to see what unfolds next?
Something Better
With Jesus, there’s a better day coming. Are you ready?
The Bible Recap: Days 316-322
Jesus changes everything and everyone.
Here’s Your Sign
What sign do you need to recognize Jesus as the one true God? What will it take for our eyes to be opened to the truth of who He is and surrender to His authority?
I am a nobody. Nothing special. Just an ordinary person. Guilty of crimes. And Jesus gave His life for me.
God Wins in the End
Like Jesus did often, take time to get away and pray. Seek the Lord’s wisdom and ask for discernment in this situation. Study His Word and live it out. You know who wins in the end.
The Bible Recap: Days 309-315
May Jesus find us being faithful about His Father’s work when He returns.
It’s Not Over
Do you know Him? He offers you eternal life, victory over death and sin, and all you have to do is accept.
The Greatest Redemption Story Ever
The enemy may have power in this world, but remember, God has overcome this world. All because of what Jesus did for us on the cross.
Jesus and Avocados
Like my avocado aversion, we can live our whole lives seeing God from a distance, never truly experiencing Him. We can miss out on incredible moments of God because we’re too afraid of letting go of our life preservers and getting out of our safety boats.
The Bible Recap: Days 302-308
Doubt is the killer of our dreams. And doubt is the killer of our faith.
Turn to Him
Turn to Him in your despair, anger, hurt, and frustration. Allow Him to work all things out for you.
I Would Never…
When we find ourselves in that position, in the middle of never-where, we have a choice. We can follow the example of Judas or we can follow the example of Peter.
The Bible Recap: Days 295-301
He follows us when we wander, He pursues us when we rebel—He just doesn’t give up on us.
Growing Toward It
We are not yet what we will be, but we are “growing toward it.”
You’re Invited
Jesus has invited all of us to the table. Will you come?
Time to Celebrate
If God has saved you, you have been brought into His marvelous light, as the scripture says. You have been changed! And it’s time to celebrate!
We Have a Savior
To this day, the enemy prowls around seeking to destroy you. But you and I have an advocate. We have a Savior.
It’s Worth It
Jesus never promised the road would be easy as His follower. In fact, time and time again, He pointed out how hard it would be. But the rewards far outweigh the risk.
The Only Truth
This world says a lot about truth. They want to claim “that’s not my truth” when there is only one source of absolute truth – the Word of God, the Bible. Not just a portion, but the whole thing.
He Can See Right Through Us
Surrender to the Lord today. No more pretending. No more playing. Just full surrender.
The Cornerstone
If you want to build a life worth living, Jesus must be the beginning. He must be the cornerstone.
The Bible Recap: Days 274-280
We are called to take up our armor, the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit, to not just survive life…but to THRIVE in life.
Jesus Wept; So Can You
Sometimes the most spiritual thing we can do is weep.
Plenty of Room
Eternal death awaits unless you accept Christ as your Savior and follow Him.
Answer the Call
He has sought you ought. You are worth saving. He loves you! Will you accept His offer today? Answer His call and live!
Are You In The Fire?
Are you struggling against your sin or are you complacently accepting it?
Don’t Miss the Point
Are you missing the point? Jesus is calling to you today. He wants to come in and abide with you.
Hungry for More
Do people praise God because they see the difference He has made in our lives?
Draw Closer to God
Wherever you find yourself today, know that there is always an opportunity to draw closer to God. To understand Him more. To see what has happened more clearly and to understand what’s ahead for the future.
Do You Know Who Jesus Is?
Recognizing Jesus as God is the first step toward faith. Without the knowledge of who He truly is, we can’t go further.
Are You Ready?
We will know when Jesus returns. There will be no doubt. All will be able to see.
Jesus More Than Anything
Do our actions tell the same story as our words?
Banana Peels
It’s time to check our walk. Are we throwing out banana peels? Are there things in our life that are causing our brother to stumble?
The Man with No Name
Are you spending your life trying to make a name for yourself? Or glorifying the One who truly matters?
Ulterior Motives
And the beautiful thing is that He still loves us. He sees the dark truth within us and yet, He chooses to love and forgive us.
Seek the Lost
Let’s follow Jesus’ example and seek the lost, pour into them the truth and rejoice when they come home!
Jump on the Bandwagon
Are you willing to do whatever it takes to follow Jesus? Will you still be there in the end, or will you be one of those that jumps off the bandwagon?
Everyone Matters. Everyone Counts.
You matter to God. Today, choose to follow Him.