Blog Archives
Tasting the Real Thing
If you think this life is good, just wait until you taste the real thing. Heaven, in all of its perfect glory, awaits those who believe.
The Question is Why?
Jesus is coming soon, friend. Will you be taken to heaven or left behind?
The Man with No Name
Are you spending your life trying to make a name for yourself? Or glorifying the One who truly matters?
Service > Status
In God’s Kingdom, service is more important than status.
No Place Like Home
Do we live as though this world is our home or do we live with a longing to be with our God in eternity?
Invest in Eternal Blooms
I want to invest into something that lasts, don’t you? Plant seeds of salvation for eternal blooms.
All Hail!
What if you met Jesus today? Would He welcome you with open arms because He knew you while you were here on this earth? Would He greet you joyfully because you were dear friends?
A Place Without Trouble
Because, truth be told, God is offering a place where there isn’t any trouble. And Dorothy was right, it’s far, far away, beyond the moon, beyond the rain. It’s somewhere over the rainbow, the promise from God of eternity in Heaven.
Foretastes of Heaven
Yes, God offers forgiveness and grace to believers, but he also requires sacrifice.
What Happens When You Hold on to Earthly Things
We must devote to destruction, or put to death, what is earthly in us:
By Human Terms, the Church Should Not Have Survived the First Century
The church shouldn’t be here. It just doesn’t work. At least not in terms of how movements generally go. Organizations led […]