Blog Archives

Israel Firsthand: Vineyards
Witness prophecy come to life as one family journeys through Israel, uncovering ancient promises fulfilled in vineyards that thrive on the hills of Samaria.

Just as God used imperfect people in the lineage of Jesus, He can bring glory through your life, no matter how ordinary it may seem.

Parents, We’re Disciple Makers
Helping families stand firm in such a time as this. Take a deep breath and say to yourself, “As a parent, I’m a disciple-maker.”

Letters to My Children: Time Capsule
If you had to write a letter to your kids that would be sealed in a time capsule for fifty years, what would you say?

Rise and Look Up
Discover how words of encouragement and self-love can transform perspectives and lead to newfound strength.

Relentless Trust Matters
This story shows us that God loves and blesses a trusting heart.

Part of God’s Family
The time is coming for His return and He will call His children home. You will not be left behind if you are a part of God’s family.

Salvation Matters
Jesus came to bear all the sins of all the people who ever lived on earth. He did this for you, for me, for all of us so that we could receive a relationship with God and experience His forgiveness and His transforming love.

How to Raise Average Kids
God has gifted each of our kids for His Kingdom.

Holy Week: Love Matters
The more we know, the more we can grow in our relationship with the Lord.

Holy Week: Prayer Matters
Prayer is powerful, especially when we have a willing heart that trusts that God is working good from every detail in our lives.

Finding Jesus: Finding Faith that Overcomes Doubt
When we choose to walk by faith, we begin to experience God.

Finding Jesus: Finding Forgiveness with Jesus
If Jesus can forgive the most hurtful of betrayals, we can too with prayer and a willing heart.

Finding Jesus: When We Wander
The more we know God, our Good Shepherd, the more we can hear His voice. The more we hear our Shepherd’s voice, the closer we stay to Him.

Finding Jesus: When Bad Things Happen
The blind man in our story had to do something to accept the healing: go and wash in the pool of Siloam. He trusted Jesus and obeyed Him…and this led to his healing.

Gratitude: Learning from the Lepers
Thankful and obedient hearts get God’s attention and His blessing!

Journeying with Jonah: Part 4
The real hero of this story is not Jonah, but God. He used an imperfect man to save an imperfect nation who lived imperfect lives to point them to a perfect God.

Who is Your Hero?
What are we teaching our children? Where are we pointing them?

Faith TALK: Jesus is the Peace
If anyone could have been filled with doubt, it was Paul! And yet, here He is telling us to trust God, with a thankful and grateful heart.

Faith TALK: Why Going to Church is Good for Us
Don’t just go to church and leave the same person. Go to church and grow in your faith, living out what you learned.

Faith TALK: Fight for What You Believe In
Walking in the Spirit can be a real challenge, but when you focus in on the battle with determination, anything is possible with God.

Faith TALK: Trust Boundaries
Don’t just say you “trust God”—show it in your actions today!

Faith TALK: Drawing Lines with our Families
God knows that we need each other, and not only that, God wants to be the very center of our families.

Faith TALK: Drawing Lines with our Friends
We must remember to surround ourselves with like-minded people, who have the same beliefs and values we do. That way, you and your friends can be more like “iron striking iron” and become better through each other’s encouragement and advice!

Faith TALK: Drawing Lines with our Language
Our words and our actions reflect our hearts. If we profess to be believers, our words and actions will show it.

Faith TALK: Drawing Lines With Our Devices
You see, when we love Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, we will want to follow His rules. Of course, we will mess up many times, but there will be a want to stay within the boundaries He gives us. Our love will be shown in how well we stay within His boundaries.

Faith TALK: Stepping Up Our Security in Christ
Every man called by God didn’t feel like a “somebody”—a mighty warrior, the father of many nations, or even a king. But God defined His creation and chiseled their character to become what He had seen in them all along…and He does the same thing for us today.

Faith TALK: Stepping Up to the Fight
So, anytime you are faced with a giant of a problem or any emotion that comes your way, step up to the fight. You never know what God can do in, around, or through you when you are willing to trust Him.

Faith TALK: Jesus Redeems
Redemption cleanses us. Redemption turns our mistakes into ministries. Redemption allows us to lift our heads up and not live ashamed. Redemption gives us hope.

Faith TALK: Clean Words
We are focusing on cleaning up, or purifying, the words that come out of our mouths. Our goal is to try to get those words to reflect our faith.

Faith TALK: A Heart of Integrity
Make no doubt – God will test our love and loyalty many times in our lives. Yes, we will mess up. Yes, we will make mistakes. Having a heart of integrity doesn’t guarantee perfection, it drives us to do better each time we do mess up because we want to please God most of all.

The Best and Worst Are Kin
Difficult and heartbreaking circumstance can actually bring deeper relationships and more mature faith.

Faith TALK: Stepping Up Our Worship
Worshipping God. Thanking God. Surrendering to God. Three actions that activated God to fight for His people. Whatever obstacle you are up against, never underestimate the power of these 3 simple but powerful actions.

Faith TALK: After Prayer is Answered
Answered prayers can look very different; either way, God promises to be our strength and our shield.

One of Those Things On the “I Can’t Do This” List
How does a Christian family deal with the pain, anger, and disappointment of teen pregnancy?

Stop the Family Chaos
The family, one of the first things God established, was so important that he set is boundaries immediately.

5 Plans for Parent Fails
It’s one of those times you want to put the hateful words back in your mouth.

From Mourning to Dancing
When your world falls apart, God holds you in his hand and makes a way.

The Power of Family – Part 3
Do you limit how much control God truly has on your life?

I Can Still Hear My Dad’s Voice
A godly father’s voice can still be heard beyond the grave.

When You’re Clinging to the Lifeboat of Hopelessness
When the storm clouds seem so oppressive and thick, that I feel like jumping ship.

How to be Intentional About Gratitude
True gratitude begins by “entering” God’s presence with thanksgiving.

When Your Pain Makes You Wonder Why Me
What do you do when pain is your constant companion? How do you keep on going when life stays hard and […]

A Parent’s Guide to Biblical Wisdom: Chapter Ten
(Missionary to Thailand Brandon Lingle has written a parenting book in Thai, and he has graciously agreed to share it […]

Craving Face-to-Face Contact in These Weird Times
Things are so weird, right now, for the church and those who lead her ministry. For weeks now, we’ve all […]

A Crisis is the Perfect Time to Meet
We’re in quarantine, unable to communicate and see those we love and enjoy. The state of isolation is becoming normative, […]

How ‘Bout Painting, Planting and Playing During this Pandemic?
For all of those who are now at home, without five billion activities to rush to, without sports, without even […]

The Truth About What it’s Like to be a Preacher’s Kid
“Well, you know what they say about the preacher’s daughter.” [Insert boyish snickers and winks here.] This is a phrase […]