Blog Archives
Where is Our Faith?
We too can go to Jesus and beg for His help just as the disciples did, but we must have faith that He is in control.
Holy Confidence Matters
It can be so easy to get frustrated when we are different from others, but our differences can be opportunities for God to be even bigger in our lives
Sit, Stay, Obey
God is not looking merely for human improvement, He wants a commitment of surrender; one that will be more than reactions to commands and more like responses His love.
Our goal should never be for others to simply follow us, but to follow us in pursuing Jesus!
Seeking God Matters
King Asa’s story shows us that when we have a heart to get to know God, we will find Him!
The Power of the Lord is Present to Heal
The power of the Lord is present to heal. To heal your brokenness from sin. To heal the gaping wounds that feel as if they will overtake you. To heal your pride, your fear, your pain.
Don’t Give Up
When we obey God’s voice, He will greatly reward and bless us far more than we can think or imagine.
Who Are You Trusting In?
Don’t just believe, trust in Him. Have faith in Jesus Christ. Choose to follow Him.
The Potter and the Clay
Allow God to teach you – to mold and shape you- and when the fire comes, you’ll know God’s getting ready to use you. Rely on Him and His truth, a solid foundation, to get you through.
Dying Satisfied
To pass from this life to the next satisfied, fearless, and fully justified in our faith is to follow Simeon’s example.
Before and After
Whatever we are up against, I’m thankful God’s with me.
Test of Discouragement
Begin today to expect challenges and be prepared with a Godly perspective to see the difficulties as a journey of moving closer to God and experience them as Nehemiah, one faithful brick at a time.
All Part of the Plan
Wherever you are, whatever is going on, I want you to know that there is a God who created you and loves you and cares about you. Not only is He working in your life for your good, but also for those around you.
Lay Down Your Fears and Worries
What fears and worries do you need to lay at His feet in surrender?
Think you aren’t VIP material? You are in the eyes of the LORD! He is ready and willing to use us, we just have to surrender to Him.
The Master’s Voice
What can our fur babies teach us about our Christian journey?
Not That One, God
It’s time to recognize that our God is bigger than our problems and has all authority in our lives! Give it to God and trust Him to do what needs to be done!
Faith Matters
Life is hard. Faith can be hard. But, remembering what God has done for you in the past and believing that He will be faithful in the future can help you face those times with faith.
You Will Bloom In The Right Time
The blessing will come and you will bloom, in the right time.
It’s All Been Taken Care Of
God has it all taken care of. He is a God of order and detail. He is in control.
The Bible Recap: Days 50-56
When we look at the world, we lower our bar. But, when we read God’s Word, He raises it.
Till There’s Nothing Left
Full, abundant, true life is only found in Jesus Christ.
True Courage Waits
The timeless biblical examples of courage are more than relevant in our day-to-day. The connect, strengthen, inspire, and carry us to the truth that God can and should be trusted.
Jesus is Coming Soon
Jesus is coming soon, my friends. Let us be found as a good and faithful servant that has loved others, shared the gospel at all cost, and served Him with gladness!
What a Sacrifice
What are we willing to give in return? Have we looked at what we are giving to the Lord?
Are You All In?
Unless we take that step and trust Jesus as our Savior and Lord, we will never be part of His kingdom.
The Truth Offends
The truth may hurt, it may offend, but it is the truth. May we speak it in love and grace to those that are broken and in desperate need.
Un-forgiveness Hinders
If He could forgive me for the things I have done, how can I not forgive someone else?
Grave Clothes
The one who waters will himself be watered. Welcome to week 2 of “Words of Life: A Lifeword Poetry Series.”
More Faithful Than The Flowers in Spring
Enjoy your spring flowers, and when you see them, let them remind you of the love and faithfulness of One who created them for you to enjoy!
Draw Close to the Mountain
It’s time that we draw closer to that mountain. We, too, must go to it and fall on our knees in prayer to our Heavenly Father. The time is near for the return of Christ.
Make certain that you always prepare a place of honor for Jesus in your Easter celebration.
Put Aside Your Fears and Worries
Put aside your fears and worries that have come from life. Trust Jesus. Run to the Father, His arms are open wide and He’s ready to save you!
Abraham: A Man Who Feared God
Fearing God opens the door to experiencing God on a deeper level in our lives. It opens the door to His blessing!
Awestruck and Speechless
But who is God if not higher than us? Surely, we cannot know the mind of God and understand everything there is to know!
Courage > Culture
What are you giving to others that originated from your intimacy with the Lord?
He is Worthy of Our Suffering
Turn your eyes upon Jesus. You’ll find He is worthy of honor, praise, glory, suffering, and even death.
St. Patrick: A Man Who Made a Difference
If God did it for Patrick, He can do it for you, too. He has a knack for bringing good from the pain in our lives. All we have to do is love and trust Him to do it.
The Greatest Comeback Story
Hand Him the pieces, the missteps, the blunders, and watch what God can do with your brokenness.
Prepare for Each Step
Whether it is relationships, our faith in Christ, discipleship, Jesus instructs us that it comes in steps. We can’t jump straight to the end. There’s work to be done to get there.
We Can Trust the Provider
Can we lay aside our need to provide for ourselves and trust that He will give us all that we need?
Think On These Things
Whatever we gaze upon will affect our hearts and lives.
He Will Not Fail
Jesus has not failed us and never will. God will make a way, as He has always done before.
Will We Still?
Even in my life today, I struggle in this. Am I really willing and able to say I want God more than what He offers me?
Weed Whackin’
Don’t get lost in the tall weeds of the earthly journey. Bloom in The Gardener’s care.
More Than Just Breadcrumbs
What tremendous news that is for you and me! Salvation is offered to all who will believe! To all of those that have faith in Jesus Christ, and who would be satisfied with just the crumbs.
Secret, Quiet Place
Where is your place? Have you taken time to go there today? There is nothing more important than meeting with the Lord.