Blog Archives

He’s Still Workin’ On Me
The cure for hypocrisy is telling the truth.

All Consumed
God calls each of us to present ourselves to Him as a living sacrifice.

Looks Aren’t Anything
The way things appear on the outside matters very little if they are not indicative of a change on the inside.

Happy are the… Part 2
In Scripture, God shows us what blessing and happiness is and how to get it.

Happy are the… Part 1
God’s path to happiness isn’t complicated and is given to us in Scripture.

Impacted by Identity
God gives believers an identity that changes everything.

Watching My Feet
Sometimes we’re so focused on the destination, we forget to take the beauty along the way!

One Unsuspecting Moment
You can spend a lifetime praying for God to work and then one unsuspecting moment can bring His answer.

The Most Loving Thing
Sharing the Gospel with someone is the most loving thing we can do.

In Over My Head
If you find yourself in new, uncomfortable seasons, run to your God.

Chasing Shade
God teaches us and works in and around us in times of ease and in times of difficulty.

We’re All In This Together
Even when we face storms or apparent defeat, God is working!

It Took Me Back
In Christ, you and I have access to the Living God. What a truth!

Worthless Armor
We’ve been given the armor of God, and now we must use it!

Do You Hear Him?
Open your Bible. This is where you will find Jesus speaking to you today. Hear His voice.

Know That You Know
When God tests our faith, or when He tells us to test our faith, it is for the purpose of giving us assurance and revealing the truth.

Where Will You Dwell?
Where do you choose to dwell, in the camp of self-sufficiency or in the camp of life?

What Do You Want?
What are you seeking, and are you looking in the right place?

God is With Us
Not only did Jesus experience the hills and valleys, but He promises to be with us as we travel this earth. Whether we are on the mountain top of victory or feeling defeat in the valley, God is with us.

Is God Good?
Have you ever asked, “why do bad things happen to good people?” Perhaps you’re asking the wrong question.

The Sin of Sloth
How do we differentiate between rest and sloth? Look at the fruit.

Delight Recovery
What do we do when we’ve lost our delight in God’s Word?

Embracing Provision
Our God, Jehovah Jireh, is delighted to provide for His children.

The Bible Recap: Days 71-77
We can’t love what we don’t know…that is what this Bible plan is teaching us: knowing God. Knowing His qualities and character. This knowledge leads to a deeper relationship, one built on love and faith.

Growing Through Suffering
Pruning is painful, but it’s necessary and causes us to become the person God had in mind when He created us!

Under the S-O-N
As believers, let’s not get caught up in the things of this world, but in the things of the one to come.

No Place Like Home
Do we live as though this world is our home or do we live with a longing to be with our God in eternity?

Unity Despite Differences
God calls us to unity, but what exactly is unity?

Creatures of Habit
We must get into the “habit” of doing the simple things God asks of us instead of looking for the big things.

Till There’s Nothing Left
Full, abundant, true life is only found in Jesus Christ.

It’s Totally Unfair
Life can be unfair, but Jesus will make all things right.

The Whole Armor of God
Put on the whole armor of God. We need it today.

I don’t think we need more of us in the coming days. I think we need more of Him…His wisdom, His direction, His love…

Victory or Defeat?
You may be feeling like a ball in your hands translates to a turnover in the making, but a life in God’s hands is the perfect starting lineup.

The Sheep of His Pasture
God is the Good Shepherd, and we must willingly follow His leading.

Grave Clothes
The one who waters will himself be watered. Welcome to week 2 of “Words of Life: A Lifeword Poetry Series.”

The Bible Recap: Days 22-28
I love how God worked in this messy story and brought blessing from brokenness, good from sin, faithfulness to the unfaithful. God is so good to us in our brokenness!

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: 3 Men Who Feared God
Would you be able to take a stand on your faith even if you were the only one? Even if it was hard? Even if it hurt?

Draw Close to the Mountain
It’s time that we draw closer to that mountain. We, too, must go to it and fall on our knees in prayer to our Heavenly Father. The time is near for the return of Christ.

Awestruck and Speechless
But who is God if not higher than us? Surely, we cannot know the mind of God and understand everything there is to know!

The Bible Recap: Days 8-14
When things seem like they are falling apart, don’t mistrust God’s heart.