Blog Archives
Breaking the Chains of Pride
Uncover the transformative power of surrendering pride and acknowledging the need for a Savior through the message of John 4:46-54.
Metamorphosis of Faith
Discover the powerful message that God can use anyone, regardless of their history, and explore the call to live a transformed life.
Divine Appointment
Discover the significance of encountering Jesus, embracing salvation, and sharing the transformative power of faith.
Eternal Love, Never-Ending Life
Join the journey of embracing salvation and experiencing the never-ending love that transcends into eternity.
The Bible Recap: Days 358-365
This has been God’s command since the beginning: love God, love others. It hasn’t changed throughout the whole Bible. It’s always been about love.
When Is On Time?
Reflect on God’s perfect timing and the lessons learned through waiting and trusting in His plans.
The Bible Recap: Days 351-357
We are called to lay aside every weight and every hindrance and every sin that can easily ensnare us and to run our race with endurance, keeping our eyes on Jesus.
The “Perfect” Diet Plan
Amidst the noise of dietary claims, learn why feeding on grace, God’s Word, and a deepened relationship with Him is the perfect diet plan.
John’s Unmistakable Sign
Reflect on your understanding of who Jesus is and share the life-changing story of His grace and salvation with those around you.
The Bible Recap: Days 344-350
The same power that brought forth Jesus from the dead resides in us. May we walk each day trusting He can flip our scripts in life and amaze us with His love and grace and mercy.
He’s Real
Be still. Listen. Do you feel His presence? Jesus is calling.
Everyone Will Be Watching
Jesus is the Prince of Peace. With Him we have nothing to fear. Without Him, we have no hope.
Wisdom in the Chaos
Jesus is the answer for troubled hearts, broken lives, and chaotic times.
I Wonder…
Have you met Jesus? How did that change you? Have you professed that to the world? We all have a story to share, will you tell yours?
A New Year and Your Closest Neighbor
Let’s seek to glorify God in and through our marriage this year.
Growing Toward It
We are not yet what we will be, but we are “growing toward it.”
Putting Off Procrastination
Why do we put off doing what we want to do?
O Christmas Tree
Let’s find ways to point our hearts toward Jesus throughout Christmas and everyday.
He’s Still Workin’ On Me
The cure for hypocrisy is telling the truth.
All Consumed
God calls each of us to present ourselves to Him as a living sacrifice.
Looks Aren’t Anything
The way things appear on the outside matters very little if they are not indicative of a change on the inside.
Happy are the… Part 2
In Scripture, God shows us what blessing and happiness is and how to get it.
Happy are the… Part 1
God’s path to happiness isn’t complicated and is given to us in Scripture.
Impacted by Identity
God gives believers an identity that changes everything.
Watching My Feet
Sometimes we’re so focused on the destination, we forget to take the beauty along the way!
One Unsuspecting Moment
You can spend a lifetime praying for God to work and then one unsuspecting moment can bring His answer.
The Most Loving Thing
Sharing the Gospel with someone is the most loving thing we can do.
In Over My Head
If you find yourself in new, uncomfortable seasons, run to your God.
Chasing Shade
God teaches us and works in and around us in times of ease and in times of difficulty.
We’re All In This Together
Even when we face storms or apparent defeat, God is working!
It Took Me Back
In Christ, you and I have access to the Living God. What a truth!
Worthless Armor
We’ve been given the armor of God, and now we must use it!
Do You Hear Him?
Open your Bible. This is where you will find Jesus speaking to you today. Hear His voice.
Know That You Know
When God tests our faith, or when He tells us to test our faith, it is for the purpose of giving us assurance and revealing the truth.
Where Will You Dwell?
Where do you choose to dwell, in the camp of self-sufficiency or in the camp of life?
What Do You Want?
What are you seeking, and are you looking in the right place?