Blog Archives
All Eyes On You
All eyes are looking to you, waiting, searching for how to respond.
God is With Us
Not only did Jesus experience the hills and valleys, but He promises to be with us as we travel this earth. Whether we are on the mountain top of victory or feeling defeat in the valley, God is with us.
Rise Up and Follow God
Is it a fight to follow God? You bet. But, as we see with Elijah, it’s worth the fight. It’s when God shows up and does the impossible.
Jesus has power over it all. He came to save us from the destruction of Satan and death, but what will we do when He offers us that salvation?
Where is Our Faith?
We too can go to Jesus and beg for His help just as the disciples did, but we must have faith that He is in control.
The Bible Recap: Days 141-147
Be strong and courageous and do the work! God is with you and will not abandon you.
Seek Counsel
Seek Christ. Go to Him in prayer and read His word. Our decisions should always line up with His direction in scripture.
Holy Confidence Matters
It can be so easy to get frustrated when we are different from others, but our differences can be opportunities for God to be even bigger in our lives
What’s Your Greatest Fear?
My fear of being alone could have stemmed from several things that occurred in my life, but the big truth was – I was lost; I was going to be eternally separated from God when I died.
The Bible Recap: Days 134-140
Our mistakes don’t have to define us—they are there to refine us.
Search Me, O God
Sometimes even the easiest lessons can be the hardest to learn. Far too often, we are focused on the mistakes and sins of others that we don’t even recognize our own need of repentance.
Mercy. Grace. Forgiveness. Love.
I want to be more like Christ. I want to show others the same kindness He has shown me.
Don’t Give Up
When we obey God’s voice, He will greatly reward and bless us far more than we can think or imagine.
Make the best choice to gently and prayerfully yield to His placement, His power source, and His sovereignty.
Is God Good?
Have you ever asked, “why do bad things happen to good people?” Perhaps you’re asking the wrong question.
Listen closely for fear’s lies this week. Allow the Holy Spirit to replace them with the Spirit-controlled life as your default setting…
Are We Willing?
We must surrender our will for His, allowing Christ to rule over our lives – our thoughts, our actions, our words. Are we willing?
Before and After
Whatever we are up against, I’m thankful God’s with me.
The Best Place
The best place to be found is to be busy about the Father’s business.
The Sin of Sloth
How do we differentiate between rest and sloth? Look at the fruit.
The Rise and Fall of Many
When we come into contact with Jesus, it’s not about what we’ve done in the past. It’s about what we do with the knowledge of our past.
Test of Discouragement
Begin today to expect challenges and be prepared with a Godly perspective to see the difficulties as a journey of moving closer to God and experience them as Nehemiah, one faithful brick at a time.
All Part of the Plan
Wherever you are, whatever is going on, I want you to know that there is a God who created you and loves you and cares about you. Not only is He working in your life for your good, but also for those around you.
Your Rescuer is Here
There is a light that shines in the darkness and is ready to guide you to peace. Call out to Jesus to rescue you.
Dwarfs or Disciples
Are your actions and attitude reflecting those of a disciple of Jesus Christ?
Lay Down Your Fears and Worries
What fears and worries do you need to lay at His feet in surrender?
Think you aren’t VIP material? You are in the eyes of the LORD! He is ready and willing to use us, we just have to surrender to Him.
Growing Through Suffering
Pruning is painful, but it’s necessary and causes us to become the person God had in mind when He created us!
Divine Lenses
Do we look for detours of comfort and convenience, or simply seek to follow the next step of obedience to the Father?
There is Help Coming Soon
Right now, it may not seem like it. It may feel like it will never end. But there is help coming soon.
Divine Destinations
God wants to be more than your roadside assistance. He wants to be your navigation system, your heart and engine, directing your path and speed for His glory.
I’m The Guilty One
Jesus has already paid the debt we owe. But unless we confess our sin to the Lord, we will still have to face the judgment.
The Heart of the Matter
What does God see when He looks at your heart?
Hold Your Tongue
As much as we want our side of the story to be told, the bottom line is, the truth will eventually come out. And God will use the situation to bring about something even greater. We simply have to trust Him.
Creatures of Habit
We must get into the “habit” of doing the simple things God asks of us instead of looking for the big things.
Despised and Rejected
Have we turned on our heels away from Jesus? We sing His praises and worship Him on Sunday mornings, but what about the rest of the week?
We Have an Enemy
So what can we do to withstand the enemy? Watch and pray.
It’s Totally Unfair
Life can be unfair, but Jesus will make all things right.
Jesus knew I would betray Him. Like Gomer to Hosea, I have betrayed my first love and yet, Christ, knowing all these things, still chose to pay the debt I owed.
Who Am I?
We don’t need religion. We don’t need tradition. We need a heart to heart relationship with God.
Never Forsaken
We’re excited to announce, Words of Life: A Lifeword Poetry Series. Each Wednesday in April we will be sharing poetry from some of our gifted writers. We hope you’ll join us for this series!
Holy Week: Forgiveness Matters
The really cool thing about redemption is this: it isn’t just a one-time deal! Jesus can redeem us every day – anytime, anyplace.
Stop Wearing Your Shame
Jesus Christ has dealt with our shame, and now we can live in freedom!
Put Aside Your Fears and Worries
Put aside your fears and worries that have come from life. Trust Jesus. Run to the Father, His arms are open wide and He’s ready to save you!
We Can Do Nothing Without God
Friend, you can’t do it alone. Whatever it is, it won’t work without the help of the Almighty Father.
Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late
God has given us all we need in order to be saved. I pray you recognize that today.
Will We Still?
Even in my life today, I struggle in this. Am I really willing and able to say I want God more than what He offers me?
Bring It On!
Submit to God and trust Him with every detail of your life.
There is Hope with the Shepherd
Jesus offers us unconditional love, protection and provision. He offers to be our shepherd – if we are but willing.