Blog Archives
The Wedding Day
The church must be ready for the return of her Bridegroom. Are you?
Delight Recovery
What do we do when we’ve lost our delight in God’s Word?
Will You Be Sleeping?
Jesus is coming soon. Will He find you sleeping?
Cultivating Humility
Cultivating humility in our daily walk should be a priority.
Hosanna, He is Worthy!
What are we willing to give up to follow the Lord?
The Very Word of God
Do you want to hear God’s voice? Do you want to draw near to the Lord, the very one that saved you? Open your bible.
The Proving Ground
We can trust God because He has been, and always will be, faithful.
Called, Equipped, Sent
No matter where you are in your journey with Christ, there is always “the next step”. Are you ready? You’ve been given the power of the Holy Spirit, you need only obey.
Not What They Expected
Do you truly know Jesus? Do we understand what it means to be called His?
The Position of a Learner
As believers, we want to remain humble and teachable.
Keep Planting the Seeds
Don’t let the enemy distract you from your purpose. Keep teaching. Keep leading. Keep discipling. Keep preaching. Keep encouraging.
How To Be Perfect
As a believer, you wear the perfection of Christ.
Don’t Just Tell Me, Show Me
Jesus said to go and teach. Are you following the Great Commission?
Come and See, Go and Tell
Go and tell. Now that you know, now that you believe, now that you have seen it with your own eyes the work of Jesus, go and tell others about what He has done!
Living On A Prayer
A simple prayer is a priceless offering to our Heavenly Father.
Do we Recognize our Need for the Savior?
Until we recognize our need for a Savior, we will never understand who He truly is.
What Makes a Wise Man?
The Wise Men didn’t post their attendance to social media, tag themselves in an exclusive photo shoot, or attempt to gain access to Jesus for personal or political gain. Their overflowing hearts of gratitude simply needed His presence.
When Will the End Come?
And then, the end shall come. Satan will be destroyed, death will be no more, and a new heaven will be our final home.
The Rest of The Story
When we want to know how to interact with those we disagree with, we should look at Jesus.
Biblical Love vs Self-Love
The love God calls us to is different than the world’s love.
How We Can Forgive Past Hurts
Because we’ve been forgiven, we can forgive.
Buckle Up!
Living a life of integrity and honesty is only possible with the Belt of Truth wrapped around us.
Who is Your Hero?
What are we teaching our children? Where are we pointing them?
Has The Church Settled?
Have we settled for something less than what Jesus intended for His church?
Teach Me so I can Teach Another
Don’t just do it for me. Teach me so I can do it, too. And then, let me be able to teach someone else. Isn’t that what discipleship is?
Fall to His Feet
Fall to His feet and trust in Him. This is where true faith is built.
Take Up Thy Cross
Are we really true followers of Christ? Is there complete and total commitment? Have you surrendered your life to Him? Take up thy cross and follow.
The Blessing in Your Blindspot
Jesus is there, even in our blindspot.
O Ye of Little Faith
We’ve seen His goodness time and time again. We’ve witnessed what He can do and we know what He’s promised to do, but… we turn the knob on the side of that box, wondering if He’s really going to show up.
The Difficulty of Thirsting for God
We must resist our tendency to quench our spiritual thirst with the wrong things.
What Can We Learn From the 10 Commandments-#1
Is there anyone in your life who demands your time and your loyalty instead of pointing you to God?
Belief is Not About Feelings
It’s not about what you see, think, or believe, it’s about the deity of God and his Son’s life-changing work on the cross.
The 6 Questions of Understanding the Bible
Reading has become outdated and archaic for a younger generation, but it should never be irrelevant for a Christian studying God’s Word..
Simply Psalm 23
Sometimes a familiar passage of Scripture can become so over-used that we fail to be transformed by its beauty.
From Assistant to Missionary
God’s plan and purpose is so much greater and more perfect than anything the world can dream of.
The Mission of God
Are you a cultural Christian or a biblical Christian? The true answer depends on if your life and your lips speak the good news of the gospel.
What Does Kingdom Work Really Mean?
Every area of your life is essentially missionary work and gives you the chance to glorify the God of the universe.
Heart Hanger Moments
Worship takes place when the holy penetrates the ordinary and we are left in awe of the God of the universe.
Who Is Your Coach?
It will change your life and the lives of others if you’ll just obey the Great Commission: intentional discipleship.
Am I His Hands and Feet?
If not us, then who will be Jesus to “the least of these?”
Spiritual Warfare Begins Early
Contrary to popular belief, the sin nature begins at birth, but we can be to be equipped to to beat it with with God’s armor.
Avoid Bruises and Turn on the Light
Intentionally avoid the darkness that causes pain and agony by turning on the Light that never dims.
Come, Drink, and Find Grace
Once you have met the Savior of the world, and surrendered your life to Him, you’ll want everyone to know . . . so don’t keep it in!