
Nov 23, 2024 06:00am
Following Jesus Is Not Like Tennis

My fifteen year old daughter, a freshman in high school, joined the women’s tennis team this season. She has never played a match, has rarely picked up our Walmart quality racket, and I’m pretty sure the only time she’s used a tennis ball was to practice dribbling skills for basketball.

But here we are. Looking at a calendar full of tennis matches, booster club sponsorship and t-shirt forms, signing up for team meals and out a few hundred dollars on shoes, a better racket, bag, and uniform complete with matching visor.

She totally looks the part.

And, turns out she’s pretty good. Who knew? But, 27 other girls thought they’d give it a go and there are only 6 spots on the varsity roster who get to compete in singles play. So, the competition at practice has ramped up as the first match week draws near.

As a basketball family, we had no clue how the tennis ranking system goes, (or how quiet we would have to be in the stands) but we are learning. Apparently, as our daughter improves, she can “challenge” a player ranked higher on the team and if she wins the “challenge”, she takes her rank. It’s kind of a cut-throat team experience and you risk hurting some feelings along the way, but that’s tennis. Yesterday, she took spot #12 and she has a plan to reach the top 6 by the middle of next week.

She’s feeling good because she’s moving up the tennis ladder…at least for now.

Here’s the thing, following Jesus is not like tennis. There is no ladder. There is no ranking system. No one takes anyone’s spot. Everyone gets to “play” though there is no competition. Coach Jesus loves us everyone on the team equally and everyone has equal value and position.

I’ve been a Christian a long time; nearly 35 years. But, it took me a long time to understand — and I am still learning — Jesus loves me because He loves me. See, I’m an overachiever. Much like my daughter, if I can move up, I want to try. I thrive on progress. Accomplishment. Achievement. I want to be the best.

And I want credit for my hard work.

And Jesus doesn’t care.

Rather, I should say, He doesn’t care more.

This isn’t tennis.

No need to raise your rank.
No need to target your teammates.
No need to constantly compare.
No need to stress over your performance.

You’re not playing tennis.
You’re not trying to impress a coach.
You’re not trying to get to the top of some cosmic scoreboard.

You’re serving a King.
You’re already loved.
You’re already chosen.
You’re already there, seated with Christ in the heavenly realm.

“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ — by grace you have been saved — and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 2:4-7

We love Him because He first loved us.

Friends, there is nothing you can “do” to make Jesus love you more, or less, than He does right now.

Read it again.

There is no rank in the Christian faith. There are no “special” Christians. We are all equal at the foot of the cross. All unworthy. All found guilty. All in need of a Savior. All saved by the grace of God through our faith in Him and the acceptance of His FREE gift of salvation. There is not a thing we can do or a thing we have done to earn our way on His team.

Jesus paid it all.

“For by grace you have been saved, through faith. And this is not of your own doing; It is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

Now, let me offer a quick disclaimer here: I am not saying what you do doesn’t matter. I’m not saying we just sit back in the bleachers and watch everyone else work out their faith while we casually claim “Jesus loves me, so I’m good.” Yes, but, He loves you too much to leave you where you are. He desires our progress. He has things planned for us to do. There is great purpose in obediently following Him and doing the things He commands. After all, the goal is transformation as we become more and more like Jesus.

We just need to check our motivations. We need to regularly be reminded that we don’t do things for love, but from love.

As we continue to allow God to mold us and make us more like Jesus, we must keep learning to rest in the truth of His love. To not feel pressure to climb some ladder to heaven or score points on a fictitious spiritual scoreboard. Isn’t it time to stop comparing ourselves to other “higher-ranking” Christians or just those down the pew? It’s time to focus on what God has called us to do without adding more…you know…for bonus points.

I am finally understanding how the greatest in the kingdom of God are the least. The servants. The unknown, humble, bottom of the rankings followers who have committed their hearts to worship and gratitude and service and faithfulness and who live their lives making a difference in their sphere of influence for the glory of Christ. For them, the love of Jesus is truly enough.

No (quiet) applause needed.

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