
Apr 06, 2023 06:00am
Bunnies, Baskets, or the Beloved?

“But God raised Him up, releasing Him and bringing and end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held by death’s power.” – Acts 2:24 (AMP)

Crosses…we spot them everywhere. They adorn jewelry, t-shirts, car decals, and stationery, but do we forget their true significance? This week the world will turn its attention to The Cross. Yes, for some it may be the chocolate version next to the Peeps in the candy section, or the yard art placed in the newly refreshed mulch for spring; but let’s not miss its most important message…Jesus‘ sacrificial love gift to us!

You see, how we approach Easter matters to the Christian.

I’m not against baskets, ham baking with homemade rolls, or an adventurous egg hunt, but if that’s all we come away with, we certainly have missed the point. Let’s be transparent, it’s only Good Friday because Jesus chose to suffer mistreatment through His trial, endure an excruciating death on the cross experience, and then expose His resurrection through His empty tomb. And we think we have some rough Fridays! (Perspective is huge, isn’t it?) God continues to be in the “rolling stones” business. That’s encouraging for us, right? Last I inquired, his background check was impeccable and his resume unblemished. Through His resurrection, Jesus has scripted so many promises to us beyond His Word and evident in His creation. The warmth and color of spring surround us through blooms, birds, and basking in the sunshine.

Will you intentionally revisit The Cross of Easter this year? Will it be the focus and priority of your celebration? Enjoy the customs with family, but don’t forget to center your gratitude on The Rock, The Messiah, and The Resurrection. Allow Good Friday to be your touchpoint with His cross and get packed. Jesus didn’t say, “I am finish.” He said, “It is finished”, because He was just getting started. Let this week, just like the coming spring, grow a fresh desire for discipleship in you and bloom a deeper love for Him in your daily walk. That’s the kind of Easter He deserves.

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