
Dec 12, 2021 08:00am
A Faith Journey For Me-Part Two

I think that my own personal journey to the manger was more like the young shepherds that came than like that of the wise men. Shepherds were regular, everyday people. They weren’t the upper echelon of society. They weren’t the high and mighty. They spent their days with the sheep, defending the flock with their very lives should the need arise. This is the life that God has called me to as well.

You know how it went down, right? They were out in the fields attending their sheep and doing what they did best, when out of nowhere angels appeared singing “Glory to God in the highest, peace, goodwill to all.” The angels told them of their King that had been born and informed them that if they would follow the star to the place where He was that they could worship Him there. So they went. And they found. And they worshipped.

I was so blessed to be raised in a home where God was first priority. I’m thankful for my family. But there came a time in my own life when I had to realize that God doesn’t have any grandkids. No one has a personal relationship with Christ just because their parents did and therefore inherited it. We all have to come to the place of making our own decision to follow Him.

It was October 31st and our youth group had gone to the “Hereafter House” that night on the church bus. I knew what I needed to do to be saved. God had sent His angels in the form of the many volunteers who took part in the drama that night, and they pointed me to where Jesus was. And they told me of a star that I could follow to find Him. That star was the Holy Spirit, and He was already pointing the way to Jesus.

I don’t know why I waited, but nonetheless I did. I waited until I got home. I guess you could call that my “journey to the manger” of sorts. But when I got home, I got in the shower. It was there that I fell on my face before my Christ, admitted my sin to Him, and asked Him to forgive my sin and be my Savior and Lord. And He said yes. He always will.

My reaction was much like I imagine the shepherds reacted after seeing Jesus that night. I wanted everyone to know. I didn’t want to be a “secret Christian.” I wanted to be baptized to tell the world who I belonged to now. I wanted to tell my friends. I wanted to tell my family. I wanted everyone to come see this Jesus who had saved me from my sin!

The shepherds found a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. I found a Savior wrapped in love and grace. They would go on to never forget the night that Christ was born. I’ll never forget the night He was born in my heart, and my heart was reborn in Him. And that, my friends, is my Christmas journey. Have you made yours yet?

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

Copyright © 2021 by Blake Martin @ No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from