Blog Archives

Your Real Job Description
Does Christianity have a job description? Find out what God’s intended focus is for your life!

Is Standing in the Gap a Lonely Prospect?
Will you answer God’s call like Isaiah, or will silence echo like in Ezekiel? Step forward in faith—be the one who says, “Send me!”

No Place Like Home
Lost souls are searching for the way home. Will you share the good news? Join us in spreading the gospel to the world!

What Now?: Obedience
Fear tried to hold me back, but God called me to obedience. Trusting Him, I stepped into His plan—will you?

Freedom from Sin
Why do we feel drawn to the very thing we’re told to avoid? It’s more than just curiosity—it’s a nature we’ve battled since the very beginning.

Standing in Awe
May we never lose that sense of awe and amazement that we can stand in the presence of the Almighty God forgiven, freed, and cherished.

Faith Over Works
Why trust anything but faith to save you when God has already made it clear—righteousness comes through belief, not works.

The Invitation
A teacher told her young students that she was starting a new club and they should watch for an invitation. […]

Feeling busy? Paul, under house arrest, used his limited time and space to share the gospel with purpose—challenging us to rethink how we can shine Christ’s light in the midst of our own busyness.

Finding the Words
I’ve always had plenty to say—until the moment I had to post my first tweet and my mind went blank. It’s a small glimpse of what Paul must have faced before King Agrippa, but unlike me, he used his moment to share the most important story of all: the life-changing message of Jesus.

His Plans > Our Plans
Our plans are so small compared to God’s. Let’s put our plans aside and follow Him. He’s got something greater in store than we can ever imagine.

Life-Saving Message
Wherever we find ourselves today, we can be a mouthpiece for God to speak truth into those around us. We have a life-saving message to share.

Home Discipleship
Parenting may be fleeting, but its purpose is eternal: to instill faith that can echo through generations.

Following Jesus Is Not Like Tennis
Following Jesus is about resting in His love, knowing there’s no need to impress—just grace, acceptance, and a place already secured.

Be Prepared: Know Trials Are Normal
In a world full of challenges, are you prepared to navigate life with the biblical mindset that trials are not exceptions but expectations?

Just as God used imperfect people in the lineage of Jesus, He can bring glory through your life, no matter how ordinary it may seem.

Facing Your “No Way” Moments
We’re all in for the ride—until God asks us to go where we least expect, to do what we least want to do.

Use Your Voice
When you’re given a platform, will you use it to make noise—or to make known the power of Jesus to transform lives?

Going the Extra Mile
Humility shines when we go the extra mile simply to help others—like Paul, who put aside his own rights to reach those who needed the gospel.

Risking it All
Paul, fully aware of the risks, pressed on to Jerusalem for those awaiting the truth of the gospel. Are we willing to do the same?

Beware the Wolves
Like a wolf stalking weakened prey, waiting to strike—Paul’s warning reminds us all to stay alert, united, and close to the Good Shepherd for protection.

The Freedom of Forgiveness
In the unexpected loss of my father, I discovered the profound power of forgiveness—how it not only heals past wounds but also opens the door to unexpected redemption and peace.

While financial planning secures your future on earth, Jesus calls us to a greater investment—one that builds eternal treasures through spiritual discipleship.

Called to Sacrifice
Paul risked it all to fulfill his divine calling and share God’s grace. Are we willing to do the same?

Your Gifts for God’s Glory
Apollos, gifted with eloquence and knowledge, revealed the true identity of Jesus as the Messiah to those who needed to hear the full story.

Ready to Follow
Are you ready to pack your bags and follow where God leads, even if it means leaving behind your comfort zone for the promise of something greater?

More Than a Paycheck
What if your everyday job is not just a means to earn a paycheck, but a divine mission field where your unique skills and passions can transform lives?

I Know This!
Like Paul’s knowledge of an “unknown god” led to salvation in Athens—God can use your experiences in powerful ways to reveal His truth too.

Benefits For the Body
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom. (Colossians 3:16a) When […]

The Original Influencer
In a world full of influencers, have you ever wondered who’s really shaping your life?

Agree to Disagree
When handled with love and grace, disagreements don’t have to stop the work God has called us to do.

Facing the Storm
Nineteen years after Hurricane Katrina, we’re reminded that the risks we face—whether in reclaiming a home or sharing the gospel—are always outweighed by the eternal rewards.

Letters to My Children: Submission to Authority
It is in our fallen nature to rebel against authority, but submission to authority is part of God’s good plan and brings blessing.

The Power of Giving
A simple act of giving can help spread the gospel globally through ministries like Lifeword, where your support can make an eternal difference.

More Than A Teapot
As a follower of Christ, we have a purpose. God wants to use us as a vessel to pour out His message of love, repentance, and forgiveness.

Follow Faithfully
Oh friends, let us not just walk in God’s light, but let us learn to live in it.

Obedience Like Ananias
There may be someone today who is waiting for you to be obedient. They need someone to tell them of Jesus. Will you be obedient like Ananias?

You Were Born for This
God is ready to use your talents and passions for His Kingdom. Will you say yes?

What Now?: Authority
How do we know how to correctly respect authority? By reading the Bible. God is the ultimate authority, so we need to know what He says.

What’s Holding You Back?
What’s holding you back from following Jesus? Break through the barriers and seek Jesus with our new discipleship tool, FOLLOW.

What’s God Calling You To?
Is God calling you to something new? Following God’s lead, no matter how difficult, brings you closer to His perfect will.

What’s Stopping You?
Discover how the early Christians’ unwavering faith and mission can give us a powerful tool to help fulfill our calling to make disciples.

Going Deep
Click to read how embracing deeper waters can lead to miraculous moments and life-changing trust in Jesus.

Don’t You Tell!
God’s Word will not be silenced. What an honor it is to be a part of His great plan to offer salvation to any who will receive Him!

All In
Discover how the timeless principles found in Acts 2:44-47 can inspire you to live “all in” for Christ every day.

What’s Your Response?
When the Good News of who Jesus is and what He has done is shared with you, what do you do with it? What is your response?

Read on to find out how facing your fears can lead to profound spiritual discoveries and strengthen your relationship with God.

Now What?
Discover how the disciples dealt with their “now what” moment after Jesus ascended, by uniting in prayer and supplication.

Work to be Done
Reflect on the disciples’ mission after Jesus’ ascension and how His command to “go and make disciples” applies to us today.

Make a Splash
Just as those waves ripple out from a splash, so does the power of the Holy Spirit spread the message of Christ to the ends of the earth.