Blog Archives

Living Intentionally
Discover the significance of purposeful actions and intentional living, inspired by Jesus’s deliberate interactions and commands.

Journey of Discipleship
Are you ready to answer the call and experience the freedom of true discipleship? In John 8, Jesus challenges believers to become disciples.

Both Sides
Join us as we navigate life’s complexities, guided by the light of scripture, towards a future filled with promise and possibility.

Beyond Expectations
Join us as we uncover the profound truth that greatness can emerge from the most unlikely of places.

Discover how slowing down in a fast-paced world can help deepen your prayer life and scriptural understanding.

No Easy Button
Why doesn’t God speak to us audibly anymore? Learn about the truths found in His Word and how to commune with God today.

Recognizing the Treasures of Faith
Embrace the priceless jewel of faith that has been within reach all along. Jesus’ message is simple – believe.

The Ultimate Report Card
Discover the transformative power of surrendering to Christ and allowing His righteousness to testify on our behalf.

My Way or His Way
Accepting all aspects of God leads to a deeper understanding of His sovereignty and the path to true worship.

Delve into the challenges of maintaining faith amid life’s chaos and discover the vital importance of recovery in the Christian walk.

Lessons from Parking Lots and Miracles
Uncover profound lessons about seeing beyond rules, recognizing miracles in our midst, and ensuring our actions reflect the love of Jesus.

In Jesus’ Name
Understand how aligning your prayers with God’s character transforms the power and purpose of your supplications.

Feast of Faith
Uncover the deeper meaning behind the preparation and labor involved in reaping a spiritual harvest, drawing parallels from John 4:34-38.

Spotlight on Purpose
Join the reflection on John 2:11 and learn how every miracle, including salvation, serves the purpose of revealing Christ’s glory.

The Bible Recap: Days 337-343
So, when you think life is too much and your jar is being cracked, don’t give up! Perhaps God allowed this trial, this circumstance, this moment not only for you—but for others watching you go through it. Our lives are living testimonies of Jesus Christ.

Sin is Crouching at Your Door
God doesn’t just want outward obedience; He wants our hearts.

A New Year and Your Closest Neighbor
Let’s seek to glorify God in and through our marriage this year.

Run With Endurance
We can run with endurance because God supplies what we need along the way.

Do Something
If you’ve been saved by Jesus, if you’ve put your faith and trust in Him, you are His servant. It’s time to get to work. It’s time to build the kingdom of God!

Draw Closer to God
Wherever you find yourself today, know that there is always an opportunity to draw closer to God. To understand Him more. To see what has happened more clearly and to understand what’s ahead for the future.

Looks Aren’t Anything
The way things appear on the outside matters very little if they are not indicative of a change on the inside.

Banana Peels
It’s time to check our walk. Are we throwing out banana peels? Are there things in our life that are causing our brother to stumble?

Let’s Get Salty
To be a Christian means you are a disciple of Christ. And to be a disciple of Christ means you are to be a disciple-maker.

Watching My Feet
Sometimes we’re so focused on the destination, we forget to take the beauty along the way!

In Over My Head
If you find yourself in new, uncomfortable seasons, run to your God.

The Same Goal
If we have the same goal, the same motives, and the same message, we should encourage and rejoice that others want to follow and do the same.

Deny Yourself
Are you willing to follow Christ at all cost? Deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Him daily.

What Are We Waiting For?
If we want to see this world love the Lord and follow Him, we have to be the ones to teach them.

What Do You Want?
What are you seeking, and are you looking in the right place?

Living On Crumbs
We will experience difficulty as we follow the Lord, but He will provide just what we need.

The Wedding Day
The church must be ready for the return of her Bridegroom. Are you?

Delight Recovery
What do we do when we’ve lost our delight in God’s Word?

Under the S-O-N
As believers, let’s not get caught up in the things of this world, but in the things of the one to come.

Make Time for Jesus
But how can we remember the words if we don’t read them? How can they deter us from sin if we don’t know them?

Will You Be Sleeping?
Jesus is coming soon. Will He find you sleeping?

Bunnies, Baskets, or the Beloved?
Will you intentionally revisit The Cross of Easter this year? Will it be the focus and priority of your celebration?

Redeeming Sports
How can Christian parents make the most of every opportunity, including sports?

Get Connected
We have the privilege of being a part of the local church, serving with one another, learning and studying together. And just as these disciples were sent out, we too have been given such a commission to go and reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Not alone, but with other believers.

The Proving Ground
We can trust God because He has been, and always will be, faithful.

Called, Equipped, Sent
No matter where you are in your journey with Christ, there is always “the next step”. Are you ready? You’ve been given the power of the Holy Spirit, you need only obey.

Not What They Expected
Do you truly know Jesus? Do we understand what it means to be called His?

The Position of a Learner
As believers, we want to remain humble and teachable.