Blog Archives
The Secret to Life
Discover how embracing the crucifixion of your will can lead to a richer, more fulfilling existence, and deeper relationship with God.
Some Kind of Friend
Ever wonder what true friendship looks like? Click to uncover the truth that Jesus offers as the best friend you could ever have!
What Now?: Accountability
Are you ready to stand before God and be held accountable for your actions, whether good or bad?
Not Goodbye, Just Goodnight
Jesus is coming back. Soon. Are you ready? Have you accepted His salvation? Are you looking forward to His return?
Say the Word
Ever pondered the true power of words in shaping your life? Today, reflect on the hidden power of your daily thoughts and prayers!
Having a Solid Rock Faith
Did you know that Peter, the disciple with rock-solid faith, faced uncertainties similar to us? Discover how to strengthen your own faith.
Love Like Jesus
Do we love like Christ? Living out God’s definition of love can transform lives and inspire others to follow Him.
Remember When
Pause, reflect, and praise, as you uncover the timeless truth: in remembering when, we find strength for today and hope for tomorrow.
Discipline Yourself
Just as physical training yields tangible results, so cultivation of spiritual disciplines lead to profound growth and intimacy with God.
Tree by the Water
In God’s sovereignty, He has a plan for us that is far more than we could ever ask for or imagine.
Seeds of Sacrifice
Jesus Christ died so that you could live. He offered Himself because He loves you that much. What will you do with that gift?
Power of Words
But amidst the beauty of language lies a sobering truth: words possess the power to wound as well as heal, to build up as well as tear down.
When emotion leads, we can get turned around real fast. Our emotions are not trustworthy guides to follow.
At the Feet of Jesus
As we read of Mary’s actions, we should examine our own reactions to encountering Jesus. Are we willing to fall at His feet in full surrender?
The Most Wanted
Today, what do you want from Jesus? Are you hoping to find something to disprove Him? Are you seeking hope from the only true and living God?
Faithful Follower
In the midst of life’s unfair turns and circumstances, the story of Joshua and Caleb offers profound lessons in faithful endurance.
The Scenic Route
If you find yourself in a season of waiting, take heart—there’s beauty to be found along the scenic route, and it’s worth every moment.
Singing the Truth
Uncover the joy of embracing truth and glorifying God, even when it challenges our long-held beliefs, and learn to sing a new song of faith.
Living Intentionally
Discover the significance of purposeful actions and intentional living, inspired by Jesus’s deliberate interactions and commands.
Who Do You Belong To?
To whom do we truly belong? Are we heirs of God’s family through faith in Christ, or do our deeds align more closely with the enemy’s agenda?
Journey of Discipleship
Are you ready to answer the call and experience the freedom of true discipleship? In John 8, Jesus challenges believers to become disciples.
Both Sides
Join us as we navigate life’s complexities, guided by the light of scripture, towards a future filled with promise and possibility.
Discover how slowing down in a fast-paced world can help deepen your prayer life and scriptural understanding.
Staying Committed
Ask yourself, “Am I committed to Jesus or religion?”
Consumed by Christ
Have you been united with Christ? Have you accepted His physical sacrifice and blood poured out on the cross for your sins?
No Easy Button
Why doesn’t God speak to us audibly anymore? Learn about the truths found in His Word and how to commune with God today.
Recognizing the Treasures of Faith
Embrace the priceless jewel of faith that has been within reach all along. Jesus’ message is simple – believe.
The True Game of Life
Uncover how true living involves surrendering the driver’s seat to Jesus and using every moment to glorify God’s kingdom.
Jesus Had A Prayer Life
Did you know Jesus had a prayer life? Experience the impact of genuine prayer in changing lives and making a difference in the world.
The Bible Recap: Days 358-365
This has been God’s command since the beginning: love God, love others. It hasn’t changed throughout the whole Bible. It’s always been about love.
Stepping into Belief
Do you believe in Jesus? And if you believe, are you following Him? It’s time to take that step.
True Fandom
There are Hogs fans, and then there are Hogs fans. IYKYK Ok, let me explain. The hogs stink. They’ve stunk […]
The Bible Recap: Days 351-357
We are called to lay aside every weight and every hindrance and every sin that can easily ensnare us and to run our race with endurance, keeping our eyes on Jesus.
Known and Loved
Uncover your true identity in Christ. Embrace forgiveness, redemption, and the assurance of being a cherished child of the King.
Come and See
Like Charlie’s pivotal choice in the Chocolate Factory, discover the transformative power of choosing to follow Christ.
The Bible Recap: Days 344-350
The same power that brought forth Jesus from the dead resides in us. May we walk each day trusting He can flip our scripts in life and amaze us with His love and grace and mercy.
He is the way. He is what your heart longs for, what your mind and soul are searching for, and who you desperately need to fill that hole within you. He is God alone.
He’s Real
Be still. Listen. Do you feel His presence? Jesus is calling.
The Bible Recap: Days 337-343
So, when you think life is too much and your jar is being cracked, don’t give up! Perhaps God allowed this trial, this circumstance, this moment not only for you—but for others watching you go through it. Our lives are living testimonies of Jesus Christ.
Turn to the Creator
Today, let’s turn from the things of this world and turn to our Creator. The One who offers true peace, freedom and love.
Let His Light Shine Through You
Let His light shine through you and the colors of His love dance for all to see!
The Light of Christ
When we have the light of Christ within us, we become a light for others to find their way. Are you shining for Him? Will others see Jesus because of the light that you shine?
The Creator
When we recognize who we are, that we have been created by God and we surrender our way for His, something beautiful happens.
Start at the Beginning
Tell your story. Tell how Jesus changed you. Tell of His love.
Who Is Jesus To You?
There is nothing more important than your answer to the question, “who is Jesus?”. It determines your life here and for eternity.
Sin is Crouching at Your Door
God doesn’t just want outward obedience; He wants our hearts.
Perfectly Planned and Timed
Whatever you’re going through or waiting for, I promise you, God is at work! He doesn’t waste time. The Lord almighty is in control and time is in His hands. Trust Him.
God’s Big Plan
We have something the Lord wants to use, but will we surrender our grasp on it? Will we offer it to the Lord and accept His offer to be used to accomplish His great plan?
Front Row Seats
Are we still begging to be close to Him, found on our knees in prayer? Or are we now at a distance, watching to see what unfolds next?