Blog Archives

What Would You Change?
Discover how God’s unaltered plan turned seeming defeat into ultimate victory, offering profound hope and life to us all.

The Mission > The Tradition
The Pharisees, or religious leaders, felt threatened by Jesus and this new way. They were used to traditions and the law, but Jesus brought something new. And they didn’t like it at all. They had forgotten their mission.

Sustainable Change
If we desire change, God must be the motivation and strength to do so.

Change Can Be a Good Thing
Change does not have to be a roadblock or a setback if you put it in the hands of the Father.

Wake Up From the Mundane
Is God trying to shake you up and make you see ministry opportunities you’re missing every day?

7 Steps to the Decision of a Lifetime
Before you know true joy, you must know who Jesus is and what he did for you.

Open Letter to My Fellow Millennials
Dear fellow millennials, We could be the generation to change the world if we changed a few of our own […]

Seize the Day . . . No, Seize the Decade!
A new year is here! Not just a new year – a new decade. Somehow, it seems impossible to think […]