
Mar 10, 2021 18:00pm
The Little Things

I have this big issue with eyes. I cannot stomach seeing someone put their contacts in or even touch their eyes. 

I literally lose it.

So of course, as a mom, I have to face this fear often. Bless my daughter’s heart she has the longest eyelashes and at times they tend to bend into her actual eye which means I have to get them out.

One night she was having problems with her eye to the point she was almost in tears. When I examined her closely, I saw one small eyelash bending down into her eye.

Well, it took me a good 15 minutes to pull that tiny eyelash out. I’m sure this was uncomfortable not only for my daughter to have it stuck in there, but also for me with my fingers carefully trying to fix the issue. 

Isn’t it crazy how something so small can cause so much pain and distress for someone? Not to mention it’s definitely not pleasant having someone work to solve the issue either.

Luckily, my girl had patience and trusted in me and laid very still as I pretended to be Doc Mcstuffin and gave her surgery. 

While I was working on my little patient I thought about how small sins in our life can cause distress and damage in our lives too. 

Not only are we miserable trying to hide those small sins, but having God work to remove those unwanted flaws can be quite painful as well. 

We also tend to get hung up on the degree of the sin, but the Bible reminds us that unless we are saved, no matter the size of the sin, it will send us to hell. 

Romans 6:23 states, “the wages of sin is death.” The good news can be found at the end of that same verse: “But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” 

All we have to do in order to receive that gift is to seek forgiveness and to ask Jesus to be Lord in our life. Once we have the Holy Spirit living in our hearts, we must be patient and willing to respond to his convicting spirit when those small sins creep into our lives. It’s imperative that we remove those sins so we can clearly see our great responsibility while we are on this earth.

Copyright © 2021 by Amy Michelle @devobyamy. No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from