
Jul 04, 2024 06:00am
Your Time Will Come

“But what about her?”

Growing up, we were always concerned and convinced that somehow we were getting the raw end of the deal. Mom would tell one of us that we had to do the dishes and clean the kitchen, and the first reaction was always, “what about her?”

Aren’t you going to make her do something? Don’t you see her just sitting there? Why am I the only one having to do the work? Is she not going to help?

The questions whirled through our minds, but mom quickly ended the conversation.

“Don’t worry about her, you just do what I told you to do.”

Mom had already given her a job to do later, but I just couldn’t see it at the time. It didn’t make me any less frustrated when mom answered the way she did. I’m sure a time or two (or maybe three) I would argue with her because I lacked trust that she would make her do something.

“You worry about you and the job I gave you to do.”

John 21:20-22
“Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following; which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee?
21 Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do?
22 Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.”

Right before this conversation, Peter had been told by Jesus that his new life included a job – he would go and tell everyone about Jesus. But it would come at a cost. His stand for Christ would result in persecution and death.

Peter had finally realized who Jesus truly was – the Son of God, the Lord Himself – and he was willing to live his life on mission for Christ and die for Him.

But he couldn’t help thinking about John.

He remembered how close Jesus and John were.

“What about him?”

When I read this, I hear a similarity in Peter’s voice to my own – disgruntled, a touch of jealousy, feeling like it’s unfair, the hard to resist desire for comparison- “what about him?”

And Jesus’ response sounds a lot like my momma’s – “don’t worry about him. You do what I told you to do – follow me.”

Even today, why do we feel the need to compare ourselves? We look around and we see someone else that’s thriving and doing great things for the Lord and we think, “why not me? Why her, why him?”

Listen, God has gifted each of us with talents and abilities that He desires for us to use for His kingdom and glory. His mission is clear for us – yet we want to take our eyes off Him and see what everyone else is doing. Keep your eyes focused on Christ and His mission and don’t worry about them. Trust that He knows what He’s doing. This is His plan, remember? He is working in the lives of all of His children, in His own time, according to His plan.

Your time will come. Until then, celebrate your friend and cheer them on. And keep your mind, heart and eyes focused on the work God has given to YOU!

When the desire to compare ourselves creeps in, remember, Jesus says – “follow thou me”.

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