
I have a friend who lives in Oklahoma that I talk to on FB or text occasionally. He is also an early riser, and this morning when my alarm went off at 4:30 I realized I had a text from him sent around midnight, which is why I didn’t know I’d received it until this morning. The message was asking if I could give him a 5:30 a.m. wake-up call just in case his three alarms didn’t wake him up!
Seriously? But that’s what friends are for, right? Whatever you need, man.
Now dive into this idea with me for a moment, would you? Spiritually speaking, we need each other. After all, there’s a natural tendency to get slightly drowsy in our relationship with Christ, don’t you think?
When you first get saved there’s a certain level of excitement and energy you feel when it comes to serving Christ. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard people who have just come to Jesus say that they’ll do anything He calls them to, no matter the sacrifice. And I truly believe they mean it at the time.
The problem is that as time passes many seem to lose that zeal, that passion to stay awake in service to Him. And we get drowsy. We may even doze off somewhat. You know what I mean: Your relationship with Christ assumes “auto pilot” or something. You seem to just be going through the motions or routines.
I believe that much of what believers do today could be done by the lost all around us just as well. Much of our “routine” as believers could probably be done without the Holy Spirit’s presence at all, because much of it is simply a rut and routine. We need a wakeup call!
And that’s why God designed a thing called the church. Truth is we need each other. I need my brothers and sisters in Christ to wake me up when I start dozing off. When I begin to simply go through the motions and my passion and fire are beginning to flicker, I need someone to come along beside me and say, “WAKE UP!”
We simply cannot be all that God wants us to be without the church. It’s just that simple.
So what about you today? Are you asleep on the job? If you don’t already have one, make it a priority to find a Bible-believing, God-fearing, Spirit-moving, Jesus-proclaiming, disciple-growing church.
We all need accountability and, from time to time, a wakeup call. Now I’ve got to sign off . . . I have a call to make.
That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,
Copyright © 2022 by Blake Martin @ No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from