
May 20, 2024 06:00am
Yet Another Place to Turn Around

Shaun and I were driving home from delivering a puppy to a family the other day. As we traveled through Cave City into Evening Shade, I shouted, “Turkeys!”

I could feel the slow of the vehicle.

“Where?!” he exclaimed as he whipped his head around.

I pointed to the grove of trees we had just passed. “Back there. We have to turn around.”

“There’s a place just up here.”

But we didn’t use the first little drive that came available.

I was confused. What was he doing? Those turkeys wouldn’t be around forever. We were running out of time.

“That one was close to a curve, I’ll go to the next.”

And then we passed another and another.

Still confused, I looked at him with I’m sure the message “What on earth are you doing? Maybe I should drive.”

But I was surprised to find that the further we went, there was yet another place to turn around.

Finally, he slowed, pulled into the drive, made sure the coast was clear, and turned around to see those turkeys.

I knew, had we gone too much further, we would have run out of time. The moment would have passed. The turkeys would have been gone and our opportunity would have flown by. But there was still yet another place to turn around.

That’s the beautiful thing about grace.

John 13:18-20
“I speak not of you all: I know whom I have chosen: but that the scripture may be fulfilled, He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me.
19 Now I tell you before it come, that, when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am he.
20 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.”

Let me remind you of what was happening before this statement was made. Jesus and His 12 disciples, the men He had called to follow Him, were dining in the upper room of a home. He had just performed the most humbling act of service possible by washing His disciples’ feet.

All of them.

Even the one He knew would betray Him.

So when He says, “I’m talking about all of you” we know He already knows the betrayal will happen. He’s God! Of course He knows.

Yet, He still washed this man’s feet.

And, here’s what I love most. He didn’t kick him out, send him packing, or tell him not to come in the first place.

Jesus offered grace to this man. The very one that would betray Him.


He sat at the same table. He was under the same teaching, witnessed the same miracles, and experienced the same love as all of the other disciples. Yet, he had made a decision to sell out Jesus.

And the grace of our Lord poured forth even until the end.

There was offered yet another place to turn around. Another chance for repentance.

Jesus said He already knew it would happen. But if any man would receive Him, they would receive the Father. Judas had yet another opportunity, even though his mind was set, to turn from his wickedness.

Grace. Yet another opportunity to repent.

Jesus offers it to us today. Every day that we are given is yet another place to turn around. It’s not too late yet my friends. If you’re going the wrong way, the way of the world, away from Christ, hear His calling and surrender. Make the choice to turn around. To turn from sin and to Him.

His arms are open wide, full of grace and mercy.

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