
Jul 21, 2022 08:00am
Why Self Care Isn’t Always Enough

I took a poll on my Instagram this week, asking what everyone’s favorite self-care activity would be. Some said working out, pedicures, facials, sleeping, or a glass of wine. I think I’m more of a cup-of-coffee-and watching-the-sun-rise kind of girl myself.

During the last few weeks of school, I was running a million miles an hour with a to-do list a mile long. 

One Saturday morning I sat down before the sun was fully up, drinking my coffee, and opened up my new Bible study journal to find this question at the top of the first page . . . 

“Are you living in the peace of God?” The title of the study was in bold letters: Rest in HIS Peace.

Many times throughout this year my assistant and I talked about how crazy fast it was going. We did 53 initial evaluations, most of which were two to three year olds. Anyone who has worked with preschoolers knows how well planned and organized an initial meeting with a developmentally delayed two to three year old goes. Many afternoons were spent organizing and straightening my therapy room after the tornado of a two year old who didn’t want to comply with a traditional testing scenario came through. 

I’m pretty sure I gave my deodorant brand a run for its money this year as I “physically assisted” some of them to work with us!

Through all of that, running between three campuses, hourly/daily time, federal and state timelines, parent meetings, teachers asking for help, my own children’s schedules…this year went pretty well. I would even cautiously say better than years past.

Why? How? My assistant and I took it one day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time. We also claimed peace through the only ONE who can fulfill that desire. Did I always rely on that peace? Of course not. I’m human. I doubted, worried, feared the unknown. BUT…I want to encourage you today to know there is hope.

Do you feel like a tornado is going on around you? Have you been seeking peace in self care? From friends? From social media surfing?

Let me tell you the good news. The best, most reliable self care is free and guaranteed.

Now let me ask you . . . Are you living in the peace of God?

Will you take a moment to let me share this truth?

First Peter 5:8 says to be sober minded, watchful. Why? Because your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking to devour. Have you watched Animal Planet? Have you seen a lion watching its prey before he catches it for his next meal? Sometimes they go for the little baby antelopes, sometimes a full-grown giraffe. No matter what they are choosing from the menu, they go for what they believe to be the most vulnerable. 

Satan does the exact same thing. He is on this earth, watching, planning, waiting to devour and destroy not only on the streets of urban cities but in our homes and in our workplaces.

How can you protect yourself? Defend peace. Satan will continuously attempt to divert our thoughts from Christ. He will say you can’t reach that deadline, you have no idea what you are doing, the others are better than you, there’s no way you can finish that list.

He is wrong. Here is what Christ says: “Let my perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge” (John 14:27).

Did you know you have been called to peace? Just like you have been called to this position in life (Colossians 3:15). God commands us to seek peace. Peace does not come from solitude or setting. True and lasting soul-level peace is found only in Jesus Christ, the source of all peace.

Philippians 4:7 says, “Peace will keep our hearts and minds secure.” The Holy Spirit has been sent by God to remind us of what we have learned in the scripture. He is a helper, comforter, advocate, intercessor, counselor, strengthener and standby. He is the spirit of TRUTH and PEACE.

How about that for self care? When I rest in HIS promise and not the lies of the enemy, I can find peace.

What is your position in life? What are you looking for? I’m not saying a mani/pedi with girlfriends isn’t good for the soul. Laughter and fellowship is another commandment. A mani/pedi chips and has to be redone at some point. A glass of wine grows empty. A nap ends. Coffee gets cold.

God’s love lasts forever.

Do you have a word of encouragement or a verse to share? If so wish someone peace today. I pray that these words touch your heart and relieve your mind of fear or stress. 

Copyright © 2022 by Darla Gardner @ No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from