
But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord. I say, “You are my God. My times are in Your hand … How great is Your goodness, which You have stored up for those who fear You … You hide them in the secret place of Your presence. (Psalm 31:14-15, 19-20)
What is the greatest protection we can possibly have? Where is the wisest leadership? Who can provide for us when no one else is able? Is there one who has an inexhaustible supply? Is there somewhere we can go and be protected in every needed way from all enemies? Where our hearts can be at rest, even as the world swirls around us?
Only One can supply all of this and more, but there is One. And the greatest gift that we can ever receive is His presence. “If He is with us,” Paul cried, “Who can be against us?”
Who is richer than those who have Him?
He that can say, “This kingdom is mine,” makes a royal claim. He that can say, “This mountain of silver is mine,” makes a wealthy claim. But he that can say to the Lord, “You are my God,” has said more than all the monarchs and millionaires can speak. What more can we have? We do not have the world, but we have the Maker of the world, and that is far more. There is no measuring the greatness of that treasure. (Charles Spurgeon)
Last night, I was with a group of men who have led The Summit family of churches over the last 26 years. Several of us have been there since its inception, and now the Great Shepherd has raised a band of mighty men to lead these churches into the next decades.
As our Elders prayed and thanked the Lord for the last decades of His infinite blessings, we rehearsed again the truth that it was all of Him, for Him, by Him, through Him, and unto Him, for He has blessed us with the ultimate gift: Himself.
“He who has God and everything else,” said C.S. Lewis, “has no more than he who has God alone.” The great task of every church leader, every family leader, is to do everything needed to abide each day in His presence, for all is there. It should be the consuming passion of their lives. And then, do what is necessary to take all who are under their care (as many as will go) into the secret place of His presence, for everything flows from the presence of the Lord. His presence is our greatest need, and our presence is His great desire and delight.
What wiser and more effective leadership can we give? What greater gift can we offer others than to lead them to the One from whom all blessings flow? And it is the gift He is waiting to supply.
Copyright © 2025 by Bill Elliff @ No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from