
Jul 14, 2022 18:30pm
Where Are You Leading Them?

Yesterday a friend of mine posted a picture of their grandson and his friend. He’s holding the hand of his friend and leading him along the sidewalk. Both boys are blind. But they know the way because someone has showed them. Using their canes, they feel their way to their destination. They follow the way they have been trained to go or the voice of the one leading them.

As Moses prepares the Israelites to enter their promised land, he makes a declaration that the people are to follow God and obey His commandments. The Levites are put in charge of making sure the laws are followed and if not, the offender will be cursed. In chapter 27, they declare 12 curses on the Israelites should they disobey God.

It’s the 4th curse in verse 18 that draws our attention this morning.

“Cursed be he that maketh the blind to wander out of the way. And all the people shall say, Amen.” (Deuteronomy 27:18)

This is a literal interpretation for taking care of those that are blind and making sure they are on the right path to their destination. However, we also see another meaning within this scripture.

Where are you leading those that follow you? Whether it’s your children, your co-workers, spouse, friends, significant other, family… whether you know it or not, you have someone following you. You are an influence to how they act, speak, and what path they choose. Are you leading them on the right path?

God, help us to recognize how our own actions and words can lead someone astray. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so that we might show them who You truly are and the way that leads to you! Let me words be pleasing to you, my actions be your hands and feet, and my direction be toward your righteousness. Forgive us Lord when we act selfishly and lead others astray. Help them see you in me! Amen!

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