
A young man took his own life by slamming his car into a tree.
A young girl overdosed on pain medication laced with Fentanyl.
A young girl turned her back on God and deciding to live a “pan-sexual” lifestyle.
A young man can’t shake off the demon of alcohol that is ruining every aspect of his life.
I don’t know why there are so many tragedies happening in my little corner of the world lately. Or at lease it seems that way. Each one causes me to fear that something tragic might happen to me or my children or someone close to me. Selfishly internalizing my own fear is a normal reaction to a heartbreaking and tragic event, but it’s wrong of me.
Fear of the future is NOT of God. Period.
We are often faithless Christians who are worried and anxious, but He doesn’t want us to live that way. Think that way. Remain that way. So he gave us His Word. But what about the devastating news that brings us to our knees?
For each horrible event I mentioned at the beginning, there are parents or other family members going through devastating and relentless pain. One of those parents currently going through the fire told me that she and her husband are using the Bible as a weapon against the anger, depression, despondency, and fear that consumes them daily.
In an effort to deal with their emotional pain and proactively do something that IS “of God”, they pray for God to lead them to a Bible verse each day. Then they share their verses, talk about them and pray Scripture over their child. Seems simple and obvious, but I’m not sure if I would be that clearheaded during such a difficult journey, but . . .
Of course, God’s Word is the answer!
I’ve heard it said that Jesus was everything God wanted to say to the world. But I would go a step further and say that not only was God’s Son the world’s messenger but also the world’s comfort and peace in uncertainty.
Given all that, of course the truths of the Bible are the only real comfort when life punches you in the gut:
The writer of Hebrews said God’s Word is (not was) alive and active. Not ancient and irrelevant.
The Psalmist calls it a lamp for our feet and a light for our path. Not words of speculation and directional uncertainty.
God generously gave us his Word not to give us a list of no-nos or chastise us for our sins but to be light in a dark world, comfort in tragic circumstances, and a guide to the lost and despairing.
Back to those who are facing the deepest, darkest pain . . . Disclaimer here: I do not fully understand and have not been through the gut-wrenching pain of the loss of a child, for example. My friends going through very dark tragedies may never have answers, resolutions, or positive outcomes for their trials, but beginning with the Word of God is a step toward healing. The Bible, God’s Word is life and I can attest to that in my own life.
Seek God, give him your tragedy and pain, and tell yourself to breath again.
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