
Aug 27, 2024 06:00am
What’s God Calling You To?

There’s just no comparison.

I’ve been sitting here trying to think of something that could relate to this situation, but honestly, I can’t think of one thing that would convey how hard this would be.

So, let me just share it with you.

Acts 8:26-27a
“And the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert.
27 And he arose and went:”

Something miraculous is taking place in the Samaritan villages. This was a huge moment in Philip’s life as he saw many people believing in Jesus and wanting to be baptized.

If you’re a pastor or a pastor’s wife, I’m sure you can relate. Going into an area that felt impossible, yet God was working and people were coming to the Lord faster than you could imagine. To be in a place like that – it’s just hard to describe. Joy and excitement seem to explode from those involved. It’s such a beautiful moment that you never want it to end.

And then, out of the blue, in the midst of the rejoicing and celebrating, God calls you away. And not to just any little church, but a church far away. One that is so dried up, tumbleweeds won’t even come through the door. It’s a desert place for sure.

My mother in-law has shared stories of being in situations like this. At the height of the ministry of church, Larry would feel the calling of the Lord to move to another place. And so, without question, they would pack up their belongings and move on.

And that’s hard.

You’re not just leaving a job, it’s people. It’s the time and love you’ve poured into them, and they in you. You know the Lord has something in store at the next place, but this… this is hard to leave.

“And he arose and went”

How difficult that must have been. But Philip obeyed.

Has God been calling you? Maybe you are at the height of your career, you’re in a place that’s a dream, things are going so well and deep down, you almost just don’t even want to hear the call. You like it here. This is the good life!

The calling will not go away.

God has a plan to use you for His kingdom. And He will position you in a perfect place to do His good will. If He’s calling you away from something good, it’s only because He has something better in store. It may not feel like it at first, but one day, you’ll look back and be amazed at the goodness of God.

What’s He calling you to? What’s He calling you away from?

Maybe it’s a job,

A home,

A church,


To go to a desert place.

He just wants your obedient heart to say yes.

Will you? Will you follow Him like you said you would?

“Wherever He leads, I’ll go. I’ll follow my Christ who loves me so. Wherever He leads I’ll go.”

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