
May 09, 2024 18:00pm
What Now?: Introduction

Life. Is. Hard.

Until I was married at the age of 18, I lived in a physically and mentally abusive home. I lived through really hard things during my childhood and spent many nights crying myself to sleep. The lack of peace in my home, coupled with the witnessing of abuse to my mother deeply affected me—even after I left.

I went to church all my life, but I didn’t truly understand and accept Jesus until I was 21 years old. While
time did heal to an extent, I was never fully healed until I gave all my hurts to the Lord 14 years after I moved out of my childhood home.

The Lord put it on my heart to write this book while teaching at a local pregnancy resource center. Many
women walking through those doors were hurting for various reasons, and you may be too. While Jesus never promised that we would be without trouble, He did promise that He would be with us through everything. He has proven this to me over and over again, even through some of my toughest times. He will prove Himself to you, too.

My prayer is that you will give all your struggles and hurts to the Lord, allowing Him to fight your battles for you, and in return you will gain the FREEDOM that is only found in Him.

Through this easy to read topical devotional, you will see my personal struggle, read what scripture says
about it, ask yourself questions and apply what you learn to help you overcome. These lessons can be done individually, with a friend or in a small group setting.

We are surrounded by so many lies. It is time to start fighting with the truth.

Copyright © 2024 by Ashley Akers @ No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from