
Aug 19, 2023 06:00am
What Do You Want?

Imagine the most beautiful scene. Add a table, set perfectly for you and one other person. A private, intimate place where you can be fully you, honest and free. Imagine the person you meet there being completely in love with you, honest and true.

Now hold that picture.

Two days ago I made a Facebook post that read…”Working on a blog post…in one word, what are you seeking?” The 70 or so answers varied, but what was striking is how overwhelmingly, everyone is seeking something having to do with their soul. Peace, wisdom, strength, contentment, love and joy were most common. No one is seeking stuff. No one is seeking other people or new places or even “more”.

Hiding behind their device, everyone admits they are longing for something they just can’t seem to settle on the inside, in the deep, unknown part of who they are.

What about you?
What are you seeking?

It’s an important question! And I know it is important because Jesus asked it first.

Like first, first. When Jesus started his earthly ministry, around age 30, the progression went like this: baptism, Holy Spirit led him to the wilderness where he was tempted and harassed by Satan for 40 days without food. During that time, everything he said to defend himself and defeat his enemy was memorized Scripture; the Word of God. And then, the very first time he notices two people literally following him, he turns to them and the very first words out of His mouth to His very first followers is the question, “What are you seeking?”

Read it in John 1:35-38.

The first question Jesus asks is essentially, “what do you want?” And I think, being the Creator, He knows the depth of humanity and He was after their hearts. He was asking so they could identify what their souls craved.

Jesus is always after our hearts.

And you know what happened next? They went with Him. To a place. Scripture doesn’t give us much detail, but I imagine they had one doozy of a talk because it transformed the lives of those guys.

They followed Him forever after.

So, back to the scene you imagined above. I don’t know what you are seeking, but I am convinced of this: if you could be with Jesus, if you could sit across from Him at a table set for you and look Him in the eye and answer His question, there is not a thing your soul could crave that He couldn’t give you.

And even better — He would.

Jesus IS all.the.things. He IS peace and wisdom and strength and contentment and love and joy. And being with Him is all it takes to have your deepest longings met.

Maybe we can’t physically sit with Him now, but by His grace and through faith, spiritually we most certainly can.

New question: when was the last time you were with Jesus? In His presence. Seeking HIM for what your soul craves. Get to the table, for there is not a need He can’t meet.

Don’t wish for the thing. Seek the Savior.

Again, what are you seeking?

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