
Nov 18, 2024 06:00am
Unexpected Detours

“I’m down on my back. I won’t be able to go anywhere.”

My mom’s call that morning wasn’t what I had expected. We had the whole day planned to spend together. We like flea markets, antique stores, and yard sales and planned to see what treasures and deals we could find.

“That’s okay. I’ll still come. I’ll go down and check on MawMaw and Rex.”

My grandparents live at the end of the road, so I decided to check in on them and visit with my mom for a bit. It wasn’t what I had envisioned for the day, and I knew my mom was feeling the same way.

I pulled up to my grandparent’s house and noticed my grandpa sitting on the tailgate of his truck. I got out of my car and asked him what my grandmother was doing. He said she was busy with something inside. So, I hopped up on the back of the tailgate with him.

I noticed he had a paper in his hand. He began talking about the young lady who was killed in an accident. She was someone we knew.

Right then, I realized the opportunity that had been made available to me.

Never in my life had I shared the gospel with my grandpa, but on that day, on the back of that tailgate, we talked about death, what happens after we die, and how heaven is available for those who put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

Acts 22:30
“The commander wanted to find out exactly why Paul was being accused by the Jews. So the next day, he released him and ordered the chief priests and all the members of the Sanhedrin to assemble. Then he brought Paul and had him stand before them.”

Paul knew what awaited him in Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit revealed that he would be arrested and imprisoned. But Paul was still willing to go for the sake of the gospel.

From the moment he came into the city, certain Jewish leaders demanded he be arrested and they brutally beat him.

As the guards took him to the barracks, he spoke to the crowds from the steps and shared the gospel and that God had sent him to speak to the Jews and to the Gentiles. Once again, the Jewish leaders were furious and demanded he be killed.

The Roman officials were put in place over the Jews to keep peace in the different areas. Such an uproar could bring unwanted attention, and it could cost them their jobs and their lives.

The guards took him into the barracks and prepared to beat him more in order to find out why the Jews were so mad at him and what he was guilty of. However, Paul asked a simple question – “is it lawful for you to beat a Roman citizen?”

That changed everything. A Roman citizen was entitled to a fair trial. So the commander ordered the Jewish Council – the Sanhedrin – to see him. Paul now had one of the biggest platforms he had ever had to share the truth about Christ.

Even through the misfortune and pain, God opened up an opportunity for Paul.

Just because something doesn’t seem to be going according to plan doesn’t mean God isn’t still in control. He provides opportunity in the midst, but will we see it? Will we use it for His glory?

Maybe that’s why you’re going through this “thing” right now. Could the Lord be putting you in a place to allow you the opportunity to share His love with someone?

Don’t miss this opportunity.

If you’ve been in a place where you knew God was calling you to share, but you didn’t know what to say or how to move forward, we want to help. Let me show you how to share your testimony and more. Go to

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