
Jan 02, 2024 18:30pm
Time to Celebrate

In the mornings, while we have coffee, my husband and I like to recall special moments that have occurred throughout our relationship. Some were little things like the first time we began texting and he sent me a picture of a fish he caught on the river. And how now, that exact spot where he sent that text, is the land we now own. Some are bigger things, like dealing with loss, moving, and the pandemic.

But through it all, we realize, our past has prepared us for our future. Whether it was good or bad, God used it to grow, strengthen, and better equip us for the days and work ahead. It’s important to look back on those moments throughout our marriage to remind us of how far we’ve come and where we still have yet to go.

Luke 22:7-8

“Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the passover must be killed. And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare us the passover, that we may eat.”

This wasn’t just about food. This was about remembering.

The Passover was a special time for the Jews. It commemorated the time when God spared the first born sons of their families. As a punishment to the Egyptian Pharoah and the people there, the last plague God sent upon them was the death of every first born son. This was the only plague the Jewish people were not exempt from. But there was a way for the Jews to be saved. It required each family to kill an innocent, unblemished lamb and put its blood on the door posts of their homes. As the Angel of death passed through Egypt, he would Passover the homes that were covered by the blood of the lamb, and those people would be spared.

The unleaven bread signified their escape from Egypt. They had to leave quickly and there was no time to let the bread rise, so they ate unleavened bread. This became a Jewish tradition and celebration along with the Passover.

It would take a lot of time for the disciples to get everything prepared for this important meal and time together. But Jesus would use this dinner for something even greater than looking to the past. He would show them how it has prepared the way for the future.

The innocent, unblemished lamb.

The sacrifice.

The blood poured out.

The blood covering the doorpost.

The salvation.

The celebration.

And He would be the One to fulfill it.

“The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” – John 1:29

Our past may have twists and turns. It might be dark and full of sin. But if God has saved you, you have been brought into His marvelous light, as the scripture says. You have been changed! And it’s time to celebrate!

When you look on your past, don’t get weighed down with regret. Let it be a reminder of how good God is and what He has done in your life. See how it prepared you for where you are today, the gifts you have, the opportunities to speak life into people who are where you used to be.

We’ve come a long way, but we have further still to go.

Copyright © 2023 by Yalanda Merrell All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from