
We were driving along the dirt road and, as we do most often, we scan the fields and woods along the side of the road for wildlife. Occasionally we will see deer or turkey, sometimes a few rabbits and groundhogs, but most of the time we see cows and chickens.
I grabbed Shaun’s arm and told him to stop and go back. Confused, he asked why. I told him I thought I saw something move by the creek. He told me it was probably a crane or something. But I was insistent so, we turned around.
There by the creek were two puppies playing. As we pulled up, they stopped and took notice of us. I was certain they were lost. They had to be someone’s puppies. Surely, no one had just dropped them here. Convinced they belonged to the house just up the road, we decided that if they were still there on the way home, we would bring them some food.
Well, there they were, in the same spot where we had last seen them. My heart lurched in my chest feeling so sorry for these poor pups. They must have been frightened out there all alone.
We brought back food and put it down for them to eat and of course they gobbled it up quickly. They needed someone to care for them, to love them, to nurture them. I was beside myself thinking of all the dangers that could await them if they were left out here all alone. They would be easy prey for any predator that might be stalking about. Without protection, they wouldn’t survive long. They were lost, vulnerable and in need of someone to take care of them.
“And they departed into a desert place by ship privately. And the people saw them departing, and many knew him, and ran afoot thither out of all cities, and outwent them, and came together unto him. And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.” (Mark 6:32-34)
What makes a sheep so vulnerable without a shepherd? They have no one to lead them. No one to direct them to the streams to get a drink. No one to guide them to new fields with food. No one to protect them from predators that lurk about. No one to rescue them when they lose their way. They are completely lost and hopeless without a shepherd.
This is what Jesus saw as He looked out at the crowd of people that surrounded them. They were desperately searching and in need.
Seeing them like this, He was moved with compassion. So much so, that He took action. He provided for them exactly what they needed. He began to teach them.
He would be their shepherd. He would protect them, provide for them, and care for them.
It’s an odd thing to finally realize when you are that sheep without a shepherd. Only then do you recognize just how lost, scared and alone you really are. Have you been there? Have you reached out to the only hand that could save you?
Jesus offers us unconditional love, protection and provision. He offers to be our shepherd – if we are but willing.
Are you?
Are you waiting to be rescued?
Behold! Your redeemer is here and his name is Jesus!
Maybe you need to share that with someone today. Let’s be honest, how many are broken at the thought of puppies being abandoned and want to help, but when it comes to helping people, we steer away. Just as you would help that lost puppy, help those that are lost by sharing Jesus’ love with them, and showing them what He can do in their lives.
Copyright © 2023 by Yalanda Merrell All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from