
You don’t know the whole story.
Throughout our lives, few people witness everything we go through. Even our family members may not be privy to certain situations or events. Each moment shapes our mind, character, and influence.
As I listened to a friend recount a part of his past, I realized I didn’t know that about him. I had known him almost my whole life, yet this was new to me.
There is only One who knows us from beginning to end. He’s always known us.
Romans 8:29-30
“29 For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. 30 And having chosen them, he called them to come to him. And having called them, he gave them right standing with himself. And having given them right standing, he gave them his glory.”
Is it comforting to know that God has always known you? Before you were born, He knit you together in your mother’s womb. From the moment you breathe your first breath until you take your last, God is there.
Not only has He always known you, but He has always loved you. He called you to Himself, revealing His truth to you and allowing you to see more of who He is through His Word. And when you chose to follow Him, He began an incredible work within you, transforming you into the image of His Son.
We have been given a beautiful gift of salvation, eternal life in heaven, and right standing before a holy God, none of which we deserved. Anyone else that knew the whole story about us would have discarded us long ago.
But not God.
Not our Lord.
He loved us even at our worst.
So, what is our response? How do we thank the Lord for His gift? How do we honor His name? We serve Him with gladness, share His name and salvation with all people, and do so with humility, love, and grace.
There’s more to your story than meets the eye. But nothing gets past the all-seeing and all-knowing One, God Almighty. Take comfort, my friend. He knows the whole story. And He loves you.
Have you made that choice to follow Him? Let me show you what that looks like. Go to I’ll meet you there.
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