
Feb 13, 2025 06:00am
The Ultimate Trade

Years ago, there was a doctor who had graduated from our residency program in Jonesboro. He set up a family practice in a rural town just outside of Jonesboro. But it was no ordinary doctor’s office.

He knew many farmers and uninsured patients still needed medical care and education about their health. He knew there would be times when someone couldn’t pay with money, so the doctor set up a bartering system. Some would see the doctor and trade in a goat, some chickens, freshly baked meals and pies, and farm-fresh eggs and milk.

I’m sure there were times when he would look at what the patients brought in and think, I’m getting the raw end of the deal here.

But he took it anyway because he knew they couldn’t pay.

Romans 4:22-25
“This is why “it was credited to him as righteousness.”
23 The words “it was credited to him” were written not for him alone,
24 but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness—for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead.
25 He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.”

Paul continues to share with the Roman believers that salvation from sins comes through faith alone and not works, using Abraham as an example. He said it wasn’t written that Abraham was made righteous because of his faith just for his benefit.

It was for us.

We, too, need to know that faith produces righteousness.

And as I read this passage and think about that last verse, “He was delivered over to death for our sins…” I can’t help but think about Jesus getting the raw end of the deal. Here we are with our goats and chickens, trying to offer Him anything, but it doesn’t even come close.

Jesus knew we couldn’t pay the debt that was owed. He just wants our faith.

Let me ask you something. Do you believe this? Do you believe the things I shared with you, that Jesus is the Son of God and that He alone can cleanse us of our sins? Do you believe that He died for your sins, was buried, and three days later rose from the dead victoriously? Do you believe He has the power and authority over your life to forgive those sins? Do you trust Him with your life to lead you to make the right decisions, to mold you into the person he desires you to be?

Tell Him.

Pray to Him and ask Jesus to forgive you. I can’t tell you what to say – well, I could, but it should come from your heart.

Believe. And then, as the scriptures tell us, trust Him. Follow Him. Praise Him. Serve Him. Surrender.

If you need help knowing what that looks like, check out FOLLOW – Lifeword’s discipleship. It’s all about helping you learn about who Jesus is and what it looks like to have a relationship with Him. Go to

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