
Have you ever been part of an elite group or club?
Yeah, me neither.
It’s only for a select few. There are some lofty requirements you must meet before ever getting an invitation. Whether it’s a family name, amount of money, your strength, or ability, these clubs pride themselves on only taking the “best of the best”.
And here we are, mere peasants, left out in the cold.
But not with Jesus.
John 12:30-32
“Jesus answered and said, This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes.
31 Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.
32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”
Not some.
Not just the elite.
Not just the religious.
Not just the ones who have a certain name, wealth, strength, or ability.
Jesus will draw all men to Him.
What does that mean?
It means ALL of us are invited into a relationship with Him.
To dine at His table.
To be a part of His group.
To join Him in Heaven.
To become children of God.
To be joint heirs with Christ.
To live eternally.
To receive His forgiveness for our sins.
To be made new.
To be a part of His mission to invite others to join Him.
But we have to accept.
We simply have to trust that Jesus has the power to save us and put our faith in Him to do all the things He said He would. We surrender our will to Him.
Will you join me? It doesn’t matter who you are, what you’ve done in the past, what mistakes and scars you carry with you, none of that.
Your invitation awaits.
He’s drawing you today. Maybe it’s that little feeling of nudging inside. Or maybe it’s that things are starting to make sense and you see the Bible and its truth. Maybe you recognize yourself as a sinner and that you need someone to save you – and it can only come from Jesus.
He’s calling you, inviting you, will you accept?
It’s the most elite group that’s out there, and it’s open to us all.
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