
Mar 25, 2024 06:00am
The True Game of Life

As kids, we played lots of games. One we often played was the game of LIFE. Your game piece was a car, and as you spun the wheel, you’d meander through the board, collecting money, a spouse, children, property, etc. In the end, you could cash it all in, and whoever was worth the most would win the game of LIFE.

But we know life is about much more, don’t we?

Our worth isn’t defined by money but by the One who gives us the very breath we breathe. Life is more than just our years on earth; it’s our very existence and presence.

John 5:25-26

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.
26 For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;”


What does Jesus mean when He said the dead will hear and live?

First, Jesus is speaking of the spiritual life. Those that are dead are sinners. That’s what their sin has earned them – death. But He came to give a spiritual awakening. When you hear Jesus’s voice and believe, you will have new life! This is an eternal life, not a temporary one.

Secondly, Jesus also spoke about those who were dead physically. During His time on earth, He raised people, including Lazarus, from the dead.

Life is so much more than just the time we spend here. It’s how we use it.

When I moved that little car around the board, I was adamant that I would be in the driver’s seat. My little pink peg would be the driver even if I were married. But when we choose life in Christ, Jesus drives us. He’s the One who should guide us, direct our paths, and take us through this life. Because in Him, we have Life, and it’s eternal.

Are you truly living today? How will you use this life for God’s glory and His kingdom?

Go to Him in prayer and see where He leads you. I promise it’s the best life imaginable.

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