
Feb 14, 2024 18:30pm
The Light of Christ

Way out here in the country, it gets dark at night.

Real dark.

During the day, the view is incredible. The light shines through the trees, illuminating everything in its path. You can see for miles. The valley, the tops of the ridge line, the leaves changing colors, birds and squirrels moving, turkey in the field, it’s a beautiful scene.

But if there is a cloudy sky, come night time, you can’t see a thing. And that’s when the predators come out. They sneak around in the dark because they think they will be undetected. They are better hidden by a cover of darkness to make their attack. He lies in wait in the darkness for his next unsuspecting prey. They know better than to try that same plan during the day.

The light exposes the enemy, his prowling and cunning ways, and his plan for destruction.

And without the light, the prey becomes defenseless.

John 1:4-5

“In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”

We’ve been studying through this book and John’s purpose behind the pen – to show the truth about who Jesus is.

As the scripture opens, we see the words “in him”. So, knowing what we do about the purpose, we know the “him” is Jesus. “In Jesus was life.” Think about that for just a minute.

Life comes from Jesus. Remember, He was in the beginning with God and is God. And now we learn that in Him is life.

“And the life was the light of men.”

Let’s talk about light for a second.

How would you describe light to someone who has been blind since birth?

Light is the opposite of dark.

It is truth. It is knowledge and understanding. It is pure. And it puts the world and all things in it on display.

But in addition to that, this light that comes from Jesus is eternal. It secures our spirit. And it cannot be extinguished.

“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”

Sin is darkness. Our enemy prowls around as a predator lurking in the shadows, hiding, waiting, hoping to lure us into the darkness and away from the light. Why? Because his only purpose is to kill and destroy us.

But with the light of Jesus, these things occur:

1. It reveals the truth to us.
2. It brings about knowledge and understanding of this truth.
3. It is purifies and sanctifies us, separating us from this sinful world.
4. And this truth, this pure and eternal light, reveals who we are without Jesus. It shines a light on the sins we try to hide and leads us on the path to righteousness.

And when we have the light of Christ within us, we become a light for others to find their way. Are you shining for Him? Will others see Jesus because of the light that you shine?

Or will they be left in the darkness?

Copyright © 2023 by Yalanda Merrell All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from