
Sep 16, 2024 06:00am
The Gracious One

Disbelief. Shock. Confusion.


How could they do that?

It’s the thought that runs through my mind often.

Someone who has a large presence on stage or on screen suddenly makes a choice that changes your perception of them. That one thing made them different in your eyes. You expected more from them.


Whether they are a performer, an athlete, a religious leader, or even someone you know personally, you looked up to them. You believed in them. In your eyes, they could do nothing wrong.

Until one day, they did.

And you were reminded that they are human. She’s just a woman. He is just a man.

Like you.

Acts 10:24-26
“The following day he arrived in Caesarea. Cornelius was expecting them and had called together his relatives and close friends.
25 As Peter entered the house, Cornelius met him and fell at his feet in reverence.
26 But Peter made him get up. “Stand up,” he said, “I am only a man myself.”

I’m not sure exactly what Cornelius expected. God had visited him in a vision. He was told to send for a man named Peter. And that’s exactly who came.

I’m sure that he had lifted Peter on this pedestal in his excitement, desire to learn, and being caught up in what was happening. And he responded by bowing down to worship him when he arrived.

What an honor that must have felt like to Peter. To have someone bow to him, to worship him. What a temptation that would have been for pride to swell. He could have allowed it. He could have received the honor and praise. He could have…

But he didn’t.

He said, “I’m only a man myself.”

Peter rightly corrected the man. He knew only God was worthy of praise.

We are guilty of this, aren’t we? We place people on pedestals, and when they fall, we gasp! But they, like us, are just mere men and women. People who make mistakes. Imperfect people.

In discipleship, I want to be the best role model for my disciple. I want to be the best example I can be. But from the beginning, I am honest and tell them I am not perfect. I will do my best to guide you, but I make mistakes. Together, we look to Jesus as the perfect example, teacher, and Savior.

I’m thankful for grace. Goodness. How thankful I am.

Have you made a mistake? Do you think God is disappointed in you? Do you think you’ve fallen beyond His reach and good grace?

Let me say this to you – He already knew. The choices you would make, the thoughts you would think, the mistakes, the hurt, betrayal, all of it, and He still chose to die for you. He is gracious to forgive.

Today, let’s point people to Jesus, the perfect One. The Gracious One.

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