
Jan 17, 2025 06:00am
The Gift of Community

I’ve seen many “Thankful” lists in the past couple of months, with people sharing their gratitude for various things. One consistent item I see on each list isn’t a “thing” at all.

It’s people.

Family, friends, mentors, church family, friends that are more like family, co-workers, etc., make the lists.


Because we were created for community. We need relationships – strong, encouraging, sacrificial, loving relationships. For some of you, it may be a shorter list than others. That’s ok. We aren’t required to have a quota of those types of friendships. But think about the ones you do have. Aren’t you thankful?

Acts 28:15

“The brothers and sisters there had heard that we were coming, and they traveled as far as the Forum of Appius and the Three Taverns to meet us. At the sight of these people Paul thanked God and was encouraged.”

Paul was headed to Rome. It had been a deep desire in his heart for a long time. He wanted to share the gospel of Jesus with these people, and he was getting closer and closer.

But the reality was that Paul wasn’t there by his free will. He was a prisoner. He had been arrested and brought to Rome to stand before Caesar to plead his case. What awaited him in Rome? Would he be treated poorly? What would he face? He knew God would provide all that was needed and would be with him through it all.

But then Paul saw the brethren that came to meet him, and he thanked God.

I can almost hear the suffering breath leave his lungs as he cried out to the Lord for His faithfulness and kindness in sending these men and women to him. They were a breath of fresh air, a welcomed friendly face, a true blessing of encouragement to his soul.

Let’s take a step back from this account. Instead of seeing this from Paul’s perspective, let’s consider those who came to Paul – the brethren.

Fellow believers. That was what they had in common, maybe nothing else, but it was enough to bring them to see Paul. They went out of their way to go to him and encourage him.

Are we that type of friend? Would someone mention our kindness on their Thankful list this year? Are we sacrificially giving our time, love, and encouragement to others? Are they thanking God for us today?

I want to be that kind of friend. In all honesty, I’m not always. I let life keep me busy and wrapped up, and I find myself saying, “Sorry it’s been so long,” or “It’s been a while since I checked in.” Let’s commit ourselves to investing in others the way Jesus did and the way these fellow believers did.

Invite people to your table, invite people into your life.

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