
Y’all know I like flying under the radar nowadays, valuing the beauty that’s found in keeping your circle small and intimate. And I don’t post much anymore, but I feel the need to share.
You’re looking at a picture of the quilt I use as a comforter here in Mexico. It was put together by my sweet momma, a labor of love constructed from T-shirts accumulated over my four years in high school. I look back at the girl I was then – the dreams I had, the plan I had carefully woven together (much like the quilt) to ensure that my future would be all that I wanted it to be, all that I thought it “should be” according to the culture I had grown up in.
Never in a million years would I have thought those T-shirts would be hanging on a line in nowhere Mexico, drying stitch by stitch thanks to the relentless sun that we try to find respite from in the afternoons because air conditioning is practically non-existent here.
The point is, friend, I don’t know what season you’re in right now. I don’t know if your life looks like what you thought it “should” look like or if you feel like it’s in shambles. I don’t know if you’ve given complete control of your life to Jesus or if you don’t even know Him yet. But what I can tell you from my relatively short trek I’ve made this far with Christ Jesus is that the Ancient of Days holds your future. And while your obedience might cost you some “luxuries” you think you can’t survive without, or maybe even some relationships that you’ve built your current life on, I cannot explain in adequate detail the joy found in doing things His way – especially when it makes no sense.
I got on a plane with a little Spanish and three suitcases and flew away from the man I have prayed my whole adult life for, the family that has always given me love and security, a career that provided more than a decent living for me, and a cultural comfort that I didn’t even realize I had until I didn’t have it any longer, all for the sake of crazy obedience to the Jesus who gave His life for me. While there are days that are hard (because He never promised us an easy, comfortable life), this view from nowhere Mexico looks really good.
Take courage, friend. If your future is in His hands, it will be more than you could ever ask for or dream of because He loves you.
Trust Him regardless of this season you are in because it is ONLY a season.
Trust Him especially when it makes no sense.
Although I can’t guarantee it will look like what you thought it would (actually the opposite is almost certainly true), I can guarantee the view will be great.
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