
(The following are reflections from the writer’s personal journey through The Bible Recap by Tara-Leigh Cobble – a Bible reading plan to read the Bible chronologically in one year. To learn more about The Bible Recap, visit Find more posts from this series at
Day 344: Read Romans Chapters 11-13
My Takeaways:
A living sacrifice.
I will never forget one of the first sermons I heard when my husband and I got back into church. For 11 years, we had been in and out on church, but when Brother Jeff invited us to come to FBC, we did … simply because we got invited. (There’s power in the invite, friends!)
In that sermon, I will never forget Brother Jeff talking about being a living sacrifice for God…that no matter how many times we failed at it, to keep “getting back on that altar” and trying. It has stuck with me all these years. In our reading today, we saw that being a living sacrifice isn’t easy—it’s quite possibly the hardest thing we will do as believers, but when we surrender to God’s lordship in our lives more and more (doing the thing that’s hard to do, like forgive someone), we become more and more inclined to keep living Christ’s way. It’s not easier, per se, but we begin to train ourselves to live that way.
What does it look like to be a “living sacrifice”?
- Don’t look like the world—let God and His word transform your mind so that you know God’s will and follow it. In doing so, you become LIGHT to a dark world.
- Whatever your gift is, use it in the church—serve your church family with your talent! This is, in essence, serving God!
- Rejoice in hope, be patient in affliction, and be persistent in prayer!
- Hate evil—cleave to doing good.
- Bless those who persecute you—not curse them.
- Don’t be proud—be humble and do life with the humble.
- Do what’s honorable.
- Live at peace with everyone.
- Don’t get revenge—God will repay! Instead, bless your enemy, for in doing so, you will be heaping fiery coals on their head! (Yes, and amen! This is so true, friends!) In essence, you are conquering evil with good!
- Above all, love one another! Love your neighbor as yourself. Love is the law—live by your love for God and honor others!
It’s always been about love. It will always be about love. God is love. He wants His kids to love Him with all their hearts and as a result, we will others. It’s an overflow of His love.
That, friends, is my God Shot. Loving God is what empowers us to be a living sacrifice. Though we will fail a thousand times, it must be our goal and our focus, for in doing so, we become the love and shine our lights wherever we go. We were meant to live different…this is how we do it.
Day 345: Read Romans Chapters 14-16
My Takeaways:
The law of liberty and love.
That is what my Bible titled this section today. Paul’s message was not only about the freedom we have in Christ, but the responsibility we have with this freedom: whatever we do, do it for God. What you do or don’t eat, do it for God. Whatever holiday you observe, do it for God. Don’t judge other households who may eat or live differently. We are called to stand before God and give an account for how we live.
We are called to not create division with what we eat (or don’t) or what we observe (or don’t), but we are called to promote peace and to build others up—to not be a stumbling block to others in the faith with our words and actions. We are called to walk in love, not walk in slander. This glorifies God!
We have freedom in Christ Jesus but if what we are doing offends others, Paul is calling us to us to—out of our love for God—stop that action so it’s not a stumbling block. That we can show God our devotion privately.
This makes me think of something I do: fasting. I fast every Monday. I always have something pressing to petition God about. If I am always broadcasting this and telling other Christians they should fast, it could be a stumbling block. They might think that in order to please God, they too must fast. Or, they may struggle with fasting, and it might make them feel defeated in their walk with God. So, I keep this action private between me and the Lord (well, except I am now telling you all about it). That is what I feel Paul is telling the Romans: “Hey, that thing you do for God—that’s great! But, if it causes others to stumble, do it in private. Don’t broadcast it.”
It’s all about promoting peace and unity in the way we live our lives to God! As they believe God, something special happens: God, through the Holy Spirit, fills them with joy and peace. This joy and peace gives us HOPE that no matter what life throws our way, we have the power and might of the God of the universe—that He brings good for any hard, tough, or painful moments in my life.
That is my God Shot: the joy and peace we have when we believe God and His Word. That we live like we believe Him. That we trust the one we profess to love. And because of that, we live in peace and unity. We build others up, not tear them down. We live different.
Yes and amen.
Day 346: Read Acts Chapters 20-23
My Takeaways:
You guys, can we agree that Paul needs a vacation?!
Wowza, today was full of highs and lows (the lowest of lows) in his ministry.
One of his highs was that God resurrected a boy who had fallen asleep and fallen out of a window, three stories high, during Paul’s all-night sermons. Paul revived him, gave him food, and went back to preaching all night to dawn! A death and resurrection didn’t slow him down…in fact, it may have fired him up all the more! (I mean, I would be pumped after witnessing that, too!)
One of his lows was that it was prophesied he would be bound and persecuted in Jerusalem. And boy oh boy, was he ever! His presence created such an uproar, he was being beaten by his own people until Roman guards came to stop the fray. After that, he was allowed to speak to his people where he gave his testimony, which caused more of a fray. Next, he is put before the Sanhedrin where he addresses the Pharisees and Sadducees, where he called out the high priest for being a whitewashed wall! Then, he created a diversion between the Pharisees and Sadducees about the topic of resurrection! (Well played, Paul, welll played.) This spawned a murderous plot against him from his own people. When the plot had been discovered to kill Paul, the Roman guard got him out of Dodge, so to speak.
My God Shot came from the moment it was prophesied Paul would face trouble in Jerusalem. He didn’t back down. He didn’t hide. He was willing to die to spread the name of Jesus. Yet, God’s hand of protection was upon him every step of the way. In fact, God brings good from this persecution because Paul is able to give his personal testimony and spread the Gospel amid such strife.
We are called to do the same, friends. Life isn’t easy when we are persecuted, may our faith come pouring out of us during such times. May we trust God, even when it hurts, to bring good from our afflictions and have courage because He goes with us.
Day 347: Read Acts Chapters 24-26
My Takeaways:
Sometimes, I feel like the things the Lord allows us to face, He lets us face so that others can bear witness to our faith. Paul was bound in chains for years, just like the prophesy was told. In that time, he shared his story and his faith to Felix, Festus, and King Agrippa.
Though no one became a believer that we could see in Scripture, they were presented the truth.
Some trials don’t make sense to us. I remember one particular trial a dear friend of mine went through with her health—it lasted for years. During that time, her child struggled with his faith. I asked her a question I felt like the Lord put in my heart: “Would you go through this again if it meant your child would see your faith and accepted Jesus as his Savior?”
The tearful answer came a nanosecond later: YES.
Some trials are refining trials for us. Some trials are meant for others to see us bear witness to our Gospel, for us to live our faith out loud. People are always watching. And no one is without excuse for what they do with the truth of Jesus Christ. Paul knows this and is prepared to tell his story and live out his faith until his race is over.
May we do as well. For our families. For our sphere of influence. For our purpose in life.
Run your race well, friends. Others need the hope we have.
Day 348: Read Acts Chapters 27-28
My Takeaways:
Divine Providence
This would make an excellent title for today’s reading! I do love the stories about Paul’s travels to Rome and how God was in the details, every step of the way! From the 14 days of being storm tossed to landing on an island where they were welcomed kindly, God was directing the sails on that ship and on their journey. And when a viper latched onto Paul’s arm as he was carrying wood, Paul shook it off into a fire and didn’t die! (Could you imagine after all the times people have tried to kill Paul, that a snake would have taken him out?!) God was gracious and Paul lived without suffering any side effects from that bite! (Take that, Satan!) I am sure this moment opened the people’s eyes that this guy was someone special—they called him a god! This opened the door for him to preach and heal people on the island for three months! God brought good from being storm tossed and stranded on an island—only God!
When they finally got back on a ship and entered Rome, Paul had lived by himself with a guard in charge of him. He could see visitors and still proclaim the Gospel! For two years, he preached and taught!
Only God!
Paul surrendered to God’s will in Jerusalem and every step of the way, God not only directed his journey, but He protected His child, bringing good from anything tough, bad, or challenging. Only God, friends.
That is my God Shot—surrendering to God’s path will allow us to experience Him in life on a deeper level that we ever imagined!
Day 349: Read Colossians Chapters 1-4 & Philemon Chapter 1
My Takeaways:
Walk in Him
Paul is encouraging believers at Colossae, urging them to grow in their faith. He wants them to be filled with knowledge and wisdom so that they may walk worthy of the Lord, pleasing Him and bearing fruit. Paul urged them to grow in their knowledge of the Lord, thus growing in every good work. He wants them to experience the strength of God so that they can endure whatever affliction or obstacle pops up in their lives.
He wants them to do what we are doing, friends: know God and experience God. To know more about His character so that our faith may be depended and that they can walk it out in life. He doesn’t want them to fall for deceptive teaching—to walk with the Lord so closely, they can recognize any darkness that comes their way. He reminds them of their freedom in Christ and to not be bound by manmade rules about food or drink or festivals.
He reminds them that they are new creations in Christ—that while their old selves focused on fleshly things, their new selves must focus on spiritual things. Like a garment, they must put on compassion, humility, gentleness, and patience. It’s a conscious decision to walk as God calls us to walk. But above all, may they put on love—love brings unity and this brings peace.
And one of my favorite sayings I tell my kids was in today’s reading: when you do something, do it as if you are doing it for the Lord, with your whole heart. I am smiling….it’s not uncommon for me to say: if God told you to clean your room, would it look like this? What if God was your boss…would you still roll your eyes?
My God Shot comes from something we are doing: growing in our knowledge of God. There’s something special when you know more, you grow more. You trust more. You walk it out more. The Holy Spirit reminds you more and helps you. It’s its own kind of peace.
Day 350: Read Ephesians Chapters 1-6
My Takeaways:
This is the way, walk in it.
That is my title for today’s reading. It was the most beautiful letter of Paul’s. He explained the Gospel and Jesus in a way he hadn’t before. He expounded on spiritual things in a way he hadn’t before. It was a love letter with Jesus written all over it. Every sentence seemed to build momentum about Jesus’ sacrifice and our calling as believers. Amid every beautiful nugget of spiritual wisdom he writes, it all boils down to this: talk the talk and walk the walk.
We are called to walk in the light of God’s love. Walking in the light is staying ever so close to God, obeying Him with our words and our actions not because we have to—but because we want to. Because we are in love with Him and His great love compels us to keep trying, keep digging in. And when we mess up, we repent and try again, leaning upon the Lord and spiritual strength to help us overcome.
We are children of the light and are called to reflect that light wherever we go, to be imitators of God. That someone is always watching—may they catch us loving Jesus and living out that love. Paul calls us to walk worthy of the calling we have received in love and unity.
Then, Paul gets the to climax of his letter and of being a believer: it’s a battle. But this battle is different—it’s a spiritual battle, one in which we must have spiritual armor and one in which we must STAND FIRM in our identity in Christ.
Every sentence was a God Shot, every picture he painted about the beautiful sacrifice of Jesus and our purpose in Christ was worded in such a way I hadn’t read yet! But, the one for my eye and heart: “now to him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us—to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations.”
Haven’t we seen this all throughout the Bible? Haven’t we seen how He works in the lives of His kids and meets them where they are, grows them, and does the impossible in their lives? That, in this process, He transforms them into a new person. I want that. I want Him. I want to live out this verse.
He is able to meet us where we are and do something we cannot do on our own. His grace is beyond what we could wrap our minds around. The same power that brought forth Jesus from the dead resides in us. May we walk each day trusting He can flip our scripts in life and amaze us with His love and grace and mercy. Do it, Lord, do it!
Copyright © 2023 by Amber Spencer @ Lioness Legacy Facebook Group No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from