
Aug 28, 2023 06:00am
The Bible Recap: Days 162-168
Woman studying the Bible.

(The following are reflections from the writer’s personal journey through The Bible Recap by Tara-Leigh Cobble – a Bible reading plan to read the Bible chronologically in one year. To learn more about The Bible Recap, visit Find more posts from this series at

Day 162: Read 1 Kings Chapters 5-6 & 2 Chronicles Chapters 2-3

My Takeaways:

We took a brief break from Proverbs and got back to King Solomon today!

What did today’s reading reveal about God?

Something we have been learning throughout this study: God is in the details!

  • There are impressive trees used from Hiram.
  • Hiram sent a skillful man of understanding from the tribe of Dan who knows how to work with the all the precious materials.
  • The temple is built in a scared place—where Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice and where the Angel of the Lord met David and stopped the plague. This place represented God’s saving grace!
  • Every detail was planned and intricate and took special care to craft—from the wooden panels which lined the inside of the temple to the gold that covered them to the cherubim which had a 30 foot wingspan in the most holy of holies to the 4 inch thick curtain to separate it from the rest of the temple. And, add in all the special carvings and the rest of the temple!

Not only did King Solomon obey every instruction from his father, David, he made sure it was done so with craft. I loved the part that the stones were cut away from the temple so that no noise from the tools could be heard at this holy place!

And, this job began on the second day of the second month of Solomon’s reign. The number 2 tends to symbolize God’s sovereignty in the Scriptures. It also took 7 years to complete—a number that represents completion and perfection.

God was certainly in the details of the most holy place that would represent His presence to the people! As we will see in the future, it would be the center point of their lives.

Day 163: Read 1 Kings Chapter 7 & 2 Chronicles Chapter 4

My Takeaways:

The details today!

I am a visual learner—when I started reading, all the details bogged me down! So, I panned out a little to see the bigger picture.

And the bigger picture is Solomon’s palace complex is one of luxury, right down to the tiniest details. It is extravagant! And, it took 13 years to construct!

But, it reminded me of something a little deeper, beyond all the details of this palace.

Sometimes, we can get so busy and consumed by doing something for God, that we lose track of God. Perhaps Solomon felt like this palace made him a living example of God’s blessing. Maybe it was a symbol of God’s favor to other nations. Maybe he felt like this was his legacy to future kings of God’s presence in his life.

Either way, I think we can relate. Whether we are wearing many hats in the church or doing a ministry outside the church walls, we can get so consumed by helping others that we end up empty and dry. We become an empty cistern, in desperate need of water. Water that only the living God can quench.

Spending time with God nurtures our heart to keep our eyes on Him, to follow Him. He fills our hearts in such a way, we don’t have to go looking for fulfillment elsewhere, whether it’s a palace complex or possessions or affirmation in others.

Prioritizing Him helps us keep Him in control of our hearts and our identity—not our reputations, our material things, or our castles.

Maybe this is why Proverbs hints about the trap of wealth—it can lie to us and think life would be better with it. And perhaps for a moment it can…but as we will find, Solomon learns this lesson the hard way and lives in regret. He squandered his blessing on the finer things of life.

Maybe I got too deep on this God Shot, but if we dig deeper here, below all the details of this extravagant lifestyle, we will see what Tara-Leigh talked about: a divided heart.

It’s that easy to get distracted, friends. Let’s keep our eye on the prize, our relationship with God, throughout the next 6 months and remind ourselves that money can’t buy everything…but God’s presence can give us all we could ever hope and need in life.

And more.

Day 164: Read 1 Kings Chapter 8 & 2 Chronicles Chapter 5

My Takeaways:

You guys, today was such a sweet reading! (We don’t always have those…) I loved it!

I loved that Solomon moved the ark to the temple with the fear of the Lord in mind. They moved the ark in the 7th month (number of completion and perfection). They sacrificed innumerable animals along the way, right in front of it as they traveled to the temple. The priests were sanctified for this most holy job. They placed the ark beneath the wings of the cherubim. They praised God: “For he is good; his faithful love endures forever.” The temple was filled with the presence of God!

Can you imagine how spectacular and holy this was?! I feel like Solomon, being his wise self, learned from his father’s mistake in moving the ark in a careless way, so he made sure to show utmost care and reverence. Wow!

I loved Solomon’s dedication and references to his father David. This showed so much respect for God and his father. It was beautiful. He acknowledges that God is the ultimate Promise Keeper. He has fulfilled all His promises to Moses!

And his prayer…this was my favorite part! Solomon’s wisdom and reverence in this prayer was beautiful! He prayed for God to continue to keep His promises to His servant David, for the following situations:

For justice to occur when taking oaths, when the Israelites are defeated in war, when there is no rain for the crops, when there is any affliction in the promised land, for the Gentiles when they come to the promised land because they have heard of God’s reputation, and when the Israelites fall into sin.

For all these situations and more, Solomon prays that his people repent, petition God, and return to Him with all their heart and soul.

For Solomon knows God is a forgiving God, a faithful God, and a compassionate God. He knows God’s character.

“Not one of the good promises God has made to his servant Moses as failed.” (1 Kings 8:56)

Just a reminder for us today—God is a Promise Keeper, friends. He is faithful. He doesn’t fail. He doesn’t leave us or abandon us. There is no other!

Day 165: Read 2 Chronicles Chapters 6-7 & Psalm Chapter 136

My Takeaways:

I am so happy I got a second chance to look at that beautiful prayer Solomon prayed—it’s full of hope and promise.

Solomon, the wisest man in history, prayed a prayer for his people, the Israelites, during the temple dedication.

He stood on a platform, knelt down in front of everyone assembled, spread out his hands to heaven, and prayed aloud.

He praised God saying, “There is no God like you in heaven or earth who keeps his gracious covenant” and “You have kept what you promised your servant David.” He acknowledges how mighty God is saying “even heaven, the highest of heavens, cannot contain you, much less this temple.”

And then, he prays for his people. He petitions God to watch over the temple and His people. He knows the sinful nature of people and prays for specific moments of affliction or rebellion for the future.

  • If a man sins against his neighbor, may God bring justice for the righteous.
  • If God’s people are defeated before an enemy because of their sin, may they turn from their sins and return to the Lord, praying for forgiveness at the temple.
  • If there is a drought, may God’s people turn from their sins and return to God, praying for forgiveness at the temple.
  • If there is affliction or suffering on behalf of God’s people, may they turn from their sins and return to the Lord, praying for forgiveness at the temple.
  • If a foreigner (Gentile) comes to the temple and prays to God, may God answer him.
  • If God’s people go to battle against an enemy and pray toward the direction of the temple, may God uphold their cause.
  • If God’s people get seized by the enemy, may God’s people turn from their sins and return to the Lord, praying for forgiveness in the direction of the temple.

You see, in almost every single situation, repentance is the key to restoration. They had to have a repentant heart. Solomon said, “When they return to you with all their mind and all their heart…may you forgive your people, who sinned against you”.

You see, we can’t fake forgiveness, friends. It comes from the heart, and the heart alone.

Anytime our heart and our mind recognizes that we are a sinner in need of a Savior and we are willing to turn from our sin, that is repentance. Our hearts are changed! We feel different and we have a desire to live better, God’s way. And, here’s the best part: that is when God comes and and brings a restoration that only He can bring.

He gives mercy.

He sends rain.

He brings relief.

He reveals Himself.

He upholds our cause.

He brings us home.

He is the ultimate Promise Keeper, friends. And while some of these promises were specific to the Israelites, you can bet that He will hear our cries, see our repentant hearts, and show up every time in a way only He can.

It’s what love does.

Day 166: Read Psalm Chapters 134 & 146-150

My Takeaways:

Praise the Lord. That is what today was all about.

That is what our psalms today are all about: praising God for who He is and what He has done for His people.

We praise God, the Maker of heaven and earth.

He frees the prisoners.

He opens the eyes of the blind.

He raises up all those who are oppressed.

He loves the righteous.

He protects the foreigners.

(Psalm 146:7-9)

Friends, let’s add to this list, what else does/has God done for you!?

Because, if this Bible Recap has taught us anything, it has taught us that He is faithful…and friends, that’s always worth celebrating!

Day 167: Read 1 Kings Chapter 9 & 2 Chronicles Chapter 8

My Takeaways:

20 years have passed since Solomon was anointed king! And it has taken 20 years for Solomon to finish all his plans—building the temple and his palace complex. Can you even imagine?! This definitely sounded like a time of prosperity!

In this reading, Solomon continues working on his relationship with King Hiram. Is it just me or does it sound like King Hiram got the raw end of the deal? Another person who sounds like she got the raw end of the deal was his Egyptian wife. It had to have been a lonely life.

The part that grabbed me was something we also already read: God’s blessing and warning.

He calls Solomon to walk with Him, as David did, with a heart of integrity and in obedience to continue following God’s commands.

What I especially love is this: David wasn’t perfect. He committed adultery and murder and didn’t discipline his sons. And yet, God saw his heart. He always had a heart for the Lord. That blows me away, friends. God calls Solomon to have the same heart to follow Him.

God promises to bless this by keeping his descendants on the throne!

But, should Solomon, or his sons, turn away from God, He will reject the temple and allow his people to got into exile.

I love how Tara-Leigh addresses this:

God isn’t being harsh or mean—He already laid out a plan of redemption and restoration. It’s all about relationship—it’s all about their hearts! It still is today! He wants hearts that obey Him because we love Him and fear Him. Hearts that want to honor Him because of our relationship!

“God has rules and a right way for things to be done. We’re broken and need that. But, He’s forgiving when we inevitably fall short, and we need that too…if we have any problems with this passage, it should be with the wicked hearts of men, not with God’s response to their wickedness…”


Friends, God’s commands aren’t limited to Solomon—they are for all of us:

  • Choose to walk with Him each day.
  • Jesus would later say, “Pick up your cross and follow me…”
  • Do the right thing—not because you have to but because God calls us to. He wants His kids to reflect His light!
  • Obey His rules and laws for living. He has a right way for life to be lived. We’re broken and we need that. We also get His forgiveness when we fall short. We need that too.

There is blessing there.

There is mercy.

There is grace.

There is compassion.

And there is joy when we follow the Lord with all our heart. It’s always about the heart. He knows we won’t get it right, but if we have a heart to obey Him, He will help us every step of this way.

It’s what love does.

Day 168: Read Proverbs Chapters 25-26

My Takeaways:

As I read these proverbs, it makes me wonder if Solomon experienced these situations himself or witnessed them…or both?! We write what we know and it felt like some of them were written especially passionate!

Either way, he is on point!

Here are the themes I saw today:

  • Don’t reveal secrets! (Proverbs 25:1-9)
  • Words spoken at just the right time are a beautiful thing! (Proverbs 25:11)
  • Patience and gentle words can get through to those in charge of you or the hard-headed. (Proverbs 25:15-17)
  • Self-control can bless you and keep you from overstepping your boundaries with others! (Proverbs 25:16-17)
  • Anger exposes us and leaves us vulnerable to enemy attacks. (Proverbs 25:28)
  • Fools are foolish—there’s no changing them. Don’t argue with them—or you become foolish! (Can’t you see the truth in this one?) In fact, there’s more hope for a prideful person than a foolish one! (Proverbs 26:4-12). Yikes!
  • An evil heart will be revealed. Smooth lips and a lying tongue dig a deep pit—it will come back on that person. (Proverbs 26:23-28) This makes me think of politicians, LOL.

The proverb that stood out to me was Proverbs 25:21-22:

“If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink, for you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you.”

I know Proverbs aren’t promises but this is one I feel could be! I remember a family member praying this as she trusted God with a person who was hurting her. She continued be kinder than what she wanted to be and not expose him/her for what they were doing to her. She served them, supported them, and trusted God to deal with them.

And let me tell you this: God did the impossible in this situation! Years down the road, this person and my family member are close! It’s a beautiful thing to see!

And it all came from my family member choosing to serve his/her “enemy.”

Now, we can’t tell what God did in the heart of that adversary, but all his/her words and actions years down the road showed a changed heart.

Can I tell you how much I have experienced this too? When there is someone I have judged/labeled/talked about, God makes sure that I run into him/her in such a way, I feel those burning coals heaped upon my head! And it burned! I felt convicted in a such way, I had to repent. (And, I have to sometimes apologize to their face…)

So, I have seen and experienced this proverb, friends, and can tell you that God wants His kids reflecting His light, and today’s proverbs offers us godly wisdom on how to do just that.

It’s choosing to show self-control when we want to freak out.

It’s choosing to not engage in gossip. (Let’s be honest, this one can be heard…especially when it’s juicy gossip!)

It’s using a gentle tongue when want to use a sharp tongue.

It’s not giving way to anger.

It’s staying away from fools, lest we act like them.

It’s not saying a mean joke/jab at someone and then saying “just kidding!”

It’s keeping things confidential.

It’s choosing to trust God with a person instead of taking matters into your own hands.

It’s being the hands and feet of Jesus.

Copyright © 2022 by Amber Spencer @ Lioness Legacy Facebook Group No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from